165 | Friend on Queue

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"IT WAS THE BROTHERHOOD, Checkmate," Gengxin whispers to them, making both Keigo and Max's eyes widened from shock. Unlike Paradox, Checkmate is still an active brotherhood that is now in the House of Bishops. This is a huge discovery.

    "I obviously don't know what that means, and at the same time, I don't really care, but I hope that helped you in whatever you're looking for," Gengxin tells them, and Keigo suddenly grabs him and hugs him tightly. "Thank you so much! You helped us a lot!" He excitedly says, and Gengxin effortlessly pushes him away before brushing his uniform like Keigo was some kind of dirt.

     "I can't believe Harold still helped us. Judging by his reaction earlier, I thought he'd never say anything. I won't push him anymore, but I hope next time he'll talk to us again so I'll be able to thank him properly," Max says, and Keigo nods his head in agreement.

     "If there's nothing else for you to do here, then let me walk you back to the gate," Gengxin says, and the two nodded their heads in agreement. But just before Max could reach the exit, he suddenly overheard someone say, "Thank god those embarrassing barbarians are finally leaving."

     Max instantly stops and looks back at the students of Lincoln High. He remembered what Harold told him before he left; about how other students judged him because he was from J.S High. Max highly believes that Harold doesn't have a terrible attitude problem like what Gengxin and the others thought. He seemed like a quiet kid that had to act tough because that's what others threw at him. He became what they assumed he was, and that was his downfall.

     So before taking their leave, Max did what he does best.

     And that's to make a scene.

     "Listen up Lincoln High!" Max shouts to grab everyone's attention, his voice echoing inside the cafeteria to the point where the students became quiet so they could look at him.

     "W-what are you doing?" Keigo asks in shock before looking back at Gengxin. He was hoping that Gengxin would stop Max since he's their student council vice president, but to his surprise, Gengxin had a grin on his face. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to stop Max any time soon.

    "You are unbelievable," was the only thing that Keigo could say as he watched Max stand in the middle of the cafeteria for everyone to see.

     "I'll keep it short so you could all continue with your boring high school life," Max says, and the look on the students' faces almost made Gengxin laugh.

    "I am Max Sinclaire, Mr. Brains & Brawn 2023, club leader of Omega Society, and the top 10 highest ranking student of J.S High," Max introduced first, and the grin on Gengxin's face changed into surprise. He already expected it somehow, but he didn't know that Max was able to achieve that much after their last meeting with each other.

     "Someone told me that others fear us because we came from the brotherhood houses. Well, I don't want to say this but...he's right. You should fear us. Because even if we turn your tacky-ass campus upside down, no one in this school will ever be able to beat a single person in our house. Even a serf can beat any of you without any effort, and that's a fact," Max tells everyone, making some of the students gasp.

     "Our achievements are impeccable, and statistics don't lie. Be it strength, honor, and academics, we have it all in our five houses. So just because you didn't get an invite to enroll in our school, doesn't mean you have to be bitter about it. That will be all. Enjoy your lunch," Max finishes off with a bow, making Keigo start laughing while Gengxin just massages his temple, now feeling tired because this was the most excitement he's ever had, ever.

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