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Hello, my dear readers!

Wow! We actually did it! We finished another volume with a total of 54 chapters!

I think I frequently say this to you guys, but this was the volume that gave me the most headaches because of the amount of notes I wrote. I had notes on my laptop, iPad, and even in an actual notebook. The reason for this is because volume 6 had the most details out of all the other volumes, and these details will be very important in the next chapters.

Now, let's talk about Volume 6: Sinners & Saints

To be honest, this was the volume I enjoyed writing the most. Yes, I know, I say this every time I finish a volume lol, but this was different because everything was new. There were new characters and settings, and the overall atmosphere was different from what I'd previously written, but at the same time, it still fit in well with the rest, hopefully,

Unlike the other volumes that focused on conquering a brotherhood, this focused more on their past, and the dark side of the heirs. From Crème de la Crème, the Sinclaire company, and even St. George. A lot of the chapters revolved around these topics, and that's what made it difficult to write since they will become a huge influence on the next chapters to come. 

Now let's talk about St. George and why this school was more than just a place Max had to go to so he could get PHD back. St. George, as explained here, has a deep history when it comes to the elites, and that's mostly because of the people who run it. Keep in mind, I don't want to give spoilers here, but Father Lucas Ivory, Secretary of Education Laurence Chapman, and the buyer, Alfred Stetson Cullen, are very connected to the people who were involved with what's been happening to the heirs, even during Luna's time. I only gave a sneak peek, but their purpose will make more sense in the next volumes. Trust me.

Also, even though Max hates being compared to Grey, I really wanted him to experience, even just the slightest, what Grey went through when he was trying to help J.S High. Max being able to successfully make a change will greatly affect him as a person, and as a student who wishes to become a president. I always had this dilemma that Max hasn't shown enough traits of what type of president he'll become, and this volume finally gave us a glimpse. 

Another important character that was introduced here was the Von Hatzfeld brothers, who are more involved in the others' past than you might expect. I contemplated Klyde's fate until the last chapter, but as I was writing the finale, I realized that this is what had to be done. I didn't just kill him off for the sake of killing him, but he was like a symbol of how dangerous their past really was. The line he said about passing the burden and responsibility to Max was both literal and figurative, and I'm excited to show you how Max will be able to handle these responsibilities and burdens as the story progresses.

I also missed writing action-y chapters so the finale really made me feel the rush again HAHA

The next volume is going to be intense because volume 7 will finally focus on PHD. YASS. And I'm so excited to show you all how Max and Hee-Joon's relationship will play out, and how they'll be able to help each other in more ways than one, which will both surprise them.

Anyway, I was supposed to update earlier, BUT I celebrated my birthday three days ago! Shameless plug haha But either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this volume as much as I did.

This was the slowest I've been with the updates, so I would also like to apologize for that. A few things changed in my life the past few months so writing has been difficult, but I promise that I will continue our regular updates on the next volume. Don't worry. After all, we have now reached...

800k words?! That is just literal insanity! If you think I'm gonna stop now after writing this much then you don't know me well enough >_< If we honestly reach 1 million words I'm definitely gonna write a special

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800k words?! That is just literal insanity! If you think I'm gonna stop now after writing this much then you don't know me well enough >_< If we honestly reach 1 million words I'm definitely gonna write a special. I'll make a poll on what you guys want to read, e.g. Max and Gav on a date, Max hanging out with his protectors, Viktor and Joon special, or just anything! Let's see how that will go.

Anyway, I know why you guys are all even here, so let me now give you the important announcements.

First, the update schedule will return on the next volume, which is every 7:00 PM (Friday to Sunday), meaning three chapters a week. This was the most convenient for me so I hope you can look forward to that.

Second, if you remember, I asked you guys what song reminded you of KOTH so I could make a Spotify Playlist. I'm going to put that together soon and announce it when it's ready.

Third, the next 3 volumes, Volumes 7-9, also known as the FINAL volumes will be posted on a separate book because Wattpad can only allow 200 chapters per book and as you can see, we've exceeded that greatly. And, I think it's better to just separate it like that because it will look like a trilogy even when it's not. I'm excited to show you guys the new book cover for that so stay tuned to that as well.

And lastly, what everyone has been asking me, we will be returning on JUNE 14, 2024, Friday, 7:00 PM. This is a little over a month from now. I always have a month's break after a volume so I can prepare and write chapters in advance. I hope you can bear with me.

Now, as I always tell you guys, you are not required to continue this journey with me. You can end it here now and I will still be very very grateful. You know that. Writing has always been my passion, and it will always be my pleasure to share with you what I love. So, whatever happens, thank you so much for giving this book, this world, a chance. 

I guess that's it!

See you on June 14 everyone!

Yours truly,

- Author N


Another shameless plug, hope you can follow me on Instagram at wickedauthor_n for updates about my works, AND you can join our discord, which you can find at the beginning of this book. Thank you!

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