220 | Sacrifices

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SIREN AND HER BROTHERHOOD ran to the base where their logo would appear next. Everyone was already trying to finish the task, while the members of PHD, Jokers, and Cigarettes were assisting them.

     "Siren, what's the plan?" Spike asks as they get close to the base.

     "Based on what Felix explained to us earlier, it's safe to assume that Cigarettes, Jokers, and PHD's bases won't appear on that island for at least twelve more buzzers. That's why I'm planning that we all run to our base and destroy the bridges," Siren explains, surprising her team.

     "W-Wait, so we'll all put our flag down at the same time?" John Ford Keaton then asks.


     "But if we destroy the bridges, and someone ends up throwing a bomb at us, there's a possibility that we'll fall, and climbing would be hella difficult," Alfred says this time.

     "That's why we'll have to rely on Cj and the others," Siren replies. "The number of brotherhoods in the battle grounds is getting smaller, and most of them are concentrating on putting their flags down. We'll have a shot with it now."

     "Have you explained this to the others then?" Felix asks.

     "Of course I have."

     "Then there's no time to lose. Doubting we'll get us nowhere," Felix tells everyone, and the members of Crazy 8 nod their heads and continue running to their base.

     With the trust Crazy 8 has given the other brotherhoods, the members did not stop running despite the attacks that were thrown at them. PHD especially has been a great help as their shooting accuracy was out of this world. Even Joon, who was badly injured, was holding a few brotherhoods off despite being in his worse condition.

     When Crazy 8 finally arrived at their base, the members started shooting at the bridges, breaking the cable. The other brotherhoods instantly noticed them and started shooting at them too.

     "What the hell?! They're destroying the bridges!" A member of Red Tigers shouted in complete anger as their base would be appearing there next. If Crazy 8 destroys the bridges, they'll have to waste two minutes and wait for the buzzer instead since they won't be able to cross it anymore.

     "Ah, shit!" Spike shouted as his arm got shot. But after sucking the pain in, he continues shooting at the bridge until it finally breaks the cable, instantly making the bridges fall.

     As the members predicted, someone from Scarlet Letter got ready to throw a bomb at them, but before he could even do so, Ren Adachi of PHD spots him and instantly shoots the bomber with little to no effort despite the distance they had from each other.

    Ren smirks and blows on his gun before turning around to find Anthony Rockefeller of Cigarettes standing right behind him. Like the others, Anthony was also covered in bruises, and he was soaking wet, too, after being pushed off the bridge earlier in the battle.

    "Get your brotherhood ready. Crazy 8 will finish their task soon," Ren instructs as Anthony wipes the blood off the side of his mouth with the back of his hand.

     "You can handle this on your own?" Anthony asks, making Ren chuckle.

     "You're not the type to be worrying about people Tony," Ren says, reaching out to touch the wound on Anthony's face, but Anthony immediately grabbed Ren's hand to stop him.

     "Just because Akihiko isn't letting you seduce him, you'll do the same to me," Anthony says, making Ren grin. "Anyway, I'm heading out. Make sure you watch over our backs."

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat