123 | Private Request

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"WE ONLY HAVE TWO months left before the year ends and we'll finally be seniors," Khian says before looking at Marcus who was sitting beside him in the sofa.

     The members of BND - Hans, Arjun, Marcus, Khian, Red, Hansol, and Leo - just finished their training and were now cooling off at their base. The other day they had a battle with the prince, PHD, but as they expected, they embarrassingly lost. This angered Hans a lot so since then they've been training.

     "I'll have to reevaluate our battle grounds. We need to think of a design so complex that PHD would definitely lose," Hans exclaims before chugging a bottle of water.

     "You got to relax Hans. We still have next year. We'll defeat them eventually," Arjun- Hans's right-hand man - says before sitting beside Marcus and Khian.

     "Besides, other than training and improving our battle grounds, shouldn't we recruit new underlings instead? We'll be graduating next year and most of our Roses are going to graduate too. We need a new batch of underlings who will continue our brotherhood. Think about Leo," Arjun then says before pointing at their member Leo who was the only 2nd year in their group.

    "That's right. You can't just leave me alone here," Leo adds.

     Hans takes a deep breath and takes a seat on a different chair. "I wanted to let Richard Young join our brotherhood but he became an Elite member. I can't pull him out now. Anyways, we have at least four Roses who will be third year students next year. Let's try and train them and see if we can make them a member of BND before we graduate."

     "How about we recruit younger Roses this time? You know, the freshmen students this year were promising," Red then comments while his eyes were glued on his phone.

     "A freshmen?" Hans asks, contemplating on the suggestion. "If we recruit one now then there's still time to train them. But I haven't really seen anyone who has the potential."

     "How about that Freshmen who dumped his food on that Jack last time at the Great Hall? The one with the ugly red hair? He's promising. Heard he's only a serf but he got guts, don't you agree?" Khian says, making Marcus look back at him with a bitter look.

     "That guy? We're not a bunch of thugs Khian. He fits Cigarettes image more, not ours," Marcus immediately disagrees, and Khian just shrugs his shoulder and doesn't say anything else.

     "Well I'm just excited to finally become a senior. I don't know why but I feel like things are going to be different," Red then says before putting his phone down to look at his brotherhood.

     "Different? Different how? Like we're going to win Mr. Brains & Brawn?" Hansol sarcastically says, making the rest of the dukes laugh.

     While everyone was enjoying their time together, someone suddenly went inside the greenhouse, automatically making them stop what they were doing to look back at the guest with shock.

     "P-Pavel?" Hans asks, and in an instant, everyone stood up to bow to the Humble King, Pavel Schäfer.

     Pavel nods his head to acknowledge their greeting before making a gesture so they could stand back up. When they were now standing properly, Hans approaches Pavel and asks him, "May I ask why a king is gracing our base?"

     Pavel looks at the members of BND one by one before walking around the greenhouse. "The flowers here are really nice, do you take care of them yourselves?" He asks instead, making the dukes look at each other with confusion.

     "My King, why are—"

     "We only have two months left before this school year ends. If I may ask, have you done anything that helped our house in any way?" Pavel asks, and that question alone made the dukes tense up.

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