Ch 7 : Book of Lies

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'The Dark Ages' was the title of the book. It was about the reign of the previous emperor. The tyrannical emperor , Anastacius De Alger Obelia.

The previous emperor was said to be fond of banquets. He would frequently host them in the Palace and invite nobility of all class. He was said to charge a high tax from the commoners and during his reign all kind of corrupt nobles existed.

That was the basic of basics which everyone in the Empire was aware of. There were several books written about the evil emperor, but what made this specific book unique was the fact that it was written with utmost facts.

The author was a servant working in the Palace during his reign and the book was written on how things seemed from within the Palace and not just from the whole empire's view.

This book gained little to no attention since it showed emperor Anastacius in a less evil position. The author was criticized over his writings and this book was burned in most of the Empire's Libraries. It was seen as a 'Book of Lies'. A book written by a supporter of the previous emperor.

The author was quite a smart person, since they published the book under a fake name and escaped punishment.


The morning blue sky faded to an afternoon blue and Athelinda thought to return back before the Librarian comes up to check on her. Now the problem : How to put the book back on the eight shelf ?

Simple : Magic.

Wow, I'm so dumb.

Truly, she is so dumb. All this time, she forgot she could use magic. She placed the books back on the shelf and gave out a long sigh, thinking of her bad memory.

She walked back towards the entrance of the library and grabbed a 'Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers' book on her way.

The librarian bowed, "Which book have you selected Your Highness?"

Athelinda gave the book to the Librarian so he could write it down in the record.

"There was something I wanted to ask you."

"Of course Your Highness." He gave her a gentle smile.

"Have you seen a black haired man enter the library? He's about the same height as...the emperor. " Athelinda inquired and began thinking about exactly what she just said.

The that I think about it, that man had an uncanny similarity to the emperor. Not just his height...I can't put my finger on it...

The librarian seemed to be confused as well.

"He wore a white shirt and black coat on top. He looked like a noble."

"Pardon me, Your highness , but I don't believe someone fitting that description has entered the library."

The librarian scratched his neck from nervousness. "Where did you see this man ?"

"History of Obelia, shelf number five. He greeted me at that shelf and disappeared before I could ask his name."

"I see...I apologize, it seems I was not paying attention and someone had entered. " The librarian bowed his head in shame.

"Oh no, it's such a huge library , I'm surprised it's being managed by a single person and such a young man at that."

Oops, I sound like an old woman.

The man just chuckled slightly as he raised his head , revealing his slightly red cheeks.

"I don't believe I know your name yet." Athelinda asked and the man's eyes sparkled.

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