Ch 8 : Dinner

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She lied.

The Book of Lies turned out to be exactly opposite of its famed name. People usually prefer a beautiful lie over a painful truth and to achieve their beautiful lie, they won't hesitate to become blind in the presence of truth.

Athelinda knew that not everything in a book is reliable, especially when it comes to history. Every historian has different view of the past and describe it in their view. Likewise this author also wrote from what he had seen. She had read several other books about Emperor Anastacius and so she knew much about him.

When she read 'The Dark Ages' she saw several points which were only briefly mentioned in other books, elaborated in detail in this one. Things which people never shed light on , were illuminated by this author.

She was completely fine, she was just thinking about the book a lot. She wasn't able to finish the book; she only read a few pages. The font of the book was smaller than usual books , so even one page covered a lot of details.

She wanted to finish that book. She wished she could take it back to her Palace and enjoy it in her comfortable bed, along with apple juice.


But she can't. Stealing the book and bringing it to her Palace wouldn't be difficult,  but if she gets caught, she's dead. Secondly, the book itself is about someone remembered in not such a good way.


She wishes the day would be over soon so she could return to the library once again. But unfortunately for her, it's only time for dinner now.

They were having dinner with Claude,  which was a rare occurence. Nevertheless, Athelinda brought a book to the dining table.

'Noble Records'. The book contained information about all nobility. Their families as well as the pictures of their heads.

Athelinda was hoping to find the mysterious man, she met in the library, among that list. 

They sat on the dinner table. Athanasia was the one who conversed the most, Claude would just listen and sometimes give short replies and Athelinda would just observe the two's interaction. Claude didn't pay too much attention to her, so in a way she was neglected, seeing as how she hadn't received a guard like Felix had been appointed for Athanasia.

But this time she decided to read a book, to which Claude didn't comment.

She flipped through the pages quickly since she had memorised most of the nobles faces. She ate alongside reading; she had picked up the proper manners quickly.

She was so immersed on each page that both Athanasia and Claude couldn't help but glance at the eldest princess frequently.

"Lin, is that book good?" Athanasia asked as she looked at the title and instantly felt bored.

Athelinda was busy reading the contents of the page.

"The noble records. Why are you reading those?" Claude asked. His tone of voice was enough to send shivers down one's spine, but for Athelinda it only made her raise her head out of the book and lock eyes with Claude.

"Did you say something, Your Majesty? "

"...Why are you reading that?" Claude questioned once again.

"Is there a reason why I can't?" Athelinda asked.

Claude's eyebrows furrowed at the way she replied. Athelinda knew what Claude really wanted to ask, but she decided to pretend she didn't.

Athelinda could tell Claude about her encounter in the Library, but there was a chance Cedric might be punished for poor security of the Library. So she decided to keep it a secret, plus it's not like the man threatened her.

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