Ch 17 : Disappointment

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Athelinda sat on the balcony of her room, observing the uncountable stars.

"You didn't get a perfect score."

The words lingered in her head. She didn't understand. She studied hard. She really did. But then why?

Athelinda was currently nine years old. The entrance exam for the Academy was in three months.

She still had time.

Athelinda stood up and proceeded to her desk. She turned on the lamps in her room and began studying once again.

She tried to focus but her mind drifted off to the conversation with the emperor in the morning.

"I-I'll give the test again! Next week! I'll give it and next time I'll get full marks!"

"But the challenge didn't mention another chance. You are to stay in Obelia. If you want to study, then I can allow tutors."

"No! I want to go to Atlanta's Academy! Please Father! Just one more time!" Athelinda pleaded.

"It is not fitting for an imperial princess to go back on her words."

"T-Then I ask for another challenge! If I win then I go to the Academy and if I lose I-"

"You will stay in Obelia. That is final."

Athelinda frowned at the memory. The emperor was not willing to reconsider even a single bit.


"Come in." The door opened to reveal Athelinda's trusted maid.

"My lady, will you be studying? Shall I bring you some refreshments to help?" Cassandra asked as she came close to the desk.

"Thanks. "

Lately, Cassandra has become quite vigilant in her work. She has now become as loyal as Felix is to Claude.
Athelinda felt good to have someone she could trust like that.

Coming back to the problem at hand, if she wants to go to Arlanta's school she needs to propose a good deal to Claude. Something he would accept. Something that benefits both him and her. But what can that be?

She had no clue.


"Your Highness, His Majesty has invited you for tea , Princess Athanasia would be joining as well." Felix had come to the Jade Palace. 

"I'll have to refuse, unfortunately." Athelinda answered as she flipped through a page from the book.

"Is there a reason why...?"

"I'm busy studying..."

"Princess...I don't think His Majesty is going to allow you to go to Arlanta." Felix kneeled on the ground.

Athelinda who was previously focusing completely on her book, suddenly looked at Felix for more explanation.

"These are merely my thought, but His Majesty enjoys your company princess, and he does not wish for you to go to a different country and stay far from Obelia. This is simply his way of caring for you. That's why he tampered with the syllabus for the exam-"  Felix suddenly placed a hand on his mouth.

"Tampered with the syllabus...?... Don't tell me...He didn't. No way."

"Your Highness! T-That's not true! I meant that he looked over the syllabus for the exam. H-He was interested in the things you spoke of so enthusiastically..."

"Felix." Athelinda spoke , her eyes looking like ice.

"Did His Majesty tamper with the exam?"

Felix gulped. "H-He..."

Athelinda sighed. She felt relieved in a way. She had been studying for three whole years. And now he cheats on the test? Does he not see how much important this test was to her?

"Felix, if his Majesty cared for me he would like for me to be happy. Not trap me in this place. " Athelinda stood up and began walking out.

"P-Princess! Where ate you-"

"Didn't he invite me for tea?"

Felix's face paled. He could feel Claude's anger already, while Athelinda just smirked in victory.



"You tampered with the test."

Athanasia looked at her older sister with doubt. Athelinda was standing in front of the tea table. Claude casually sipped on his tea.

"Nonsense." He answered in utmost calmness.

"I ask for a re-test."


"Why? You cheated!"

"Baseless accusations. If I had tampered with the syllabus then how come you're noticing right now? You should just accept that there were things you didn't know on the test."


Why was she noticing it right now?

Well that's because ever since the thing with her mana going haywire and all, her head felt dizzy at times and she would have memory issues. Not severe ones but they were to the point that she forgot her personality before the incident or how she would usually act in front of certain people. 

Other than her personality change there were some blues in her studies too, but she had the major concepts so she trusted herself.

The exam had a few weird questions but she simply thought that she had probably forgot she read them or something. The weird questions would be related to the overall topics but they would have an overall different concept.

Athelinda had gotten confused from this.

Lucas mentioned her having only one side effect and that was a headache. So she didn't really know whether the reason for her blurring memories was due to the mana incident or another thing altogether.

But now, how is she suppose to tell that to Claude?

Athelinda looked at Claude who was still sipping tea.

"I ... suffered from a light memory loss...since that incident. So I had the syllabus jumbled up a bit. I mean I did remember all that I had studied...but there were a few questions which...didn't really sound familiar...but I thought that it might be because of the memory loss. And I tried to write the answer which sounded most logical. I, I really studied hard for this test. I didn't expect this from you, Your Majesty."

She turned her back towards Claude and began heading back. She didn't bother seeing the expressions of either Claude or Athanasia. 

She was truly hurt from his actions, especially after how nice Claude had become following the incident.

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