Ch 18: Emperors

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Athelinda headed back to the Jade Palace but mid way decided to stop at the library to get a book to read since she's free. She was tired of studying and wanted to read a novel.

She headed in after greeting Cedric and her legs subconsciously led her to the section of Obelia's history.

Well, I guess history is a story in a way.

Athelinda went up to the bookshelf and felt kind of sad. She had read everything. Everything from the last three centuries, which included the reign of Emperor Claude, Emperor Anastacius, and their Father.

She turned around to face the bookshelf behind her and it consisted of the history before the reign of the above mentioned emperors. She didn't see a point in reading about them since she had already briefly learned about them in her history classes.


"Greetings princess, it's been a while since I've seen you in the library." It was Viscount Patterson.

"Greetings to you as well, Viscount. I was busy with my studies for the Atlanta Academy so I couldn't find the time." Athelinda spoke.

"I see." The Viscount looked at the shelves,"Is there a book you might be having trouble to reach?"

"No, rather I've finished reading all the books on this shelf." Athelinda spoke in a disappointed voice.

"You have? That's quite remarkable. Then princess, shall I take a quiz about that portion of history?"

"A quiz?...sure."

The two sat down in their usual positions. Even after the mana incident Athelinda remembered the man quite well for some reason. And she also felt a pleasant vibe from him now. She felt calm around him.

The little quiz from the viscount was a lot better and funnier than the one Claude conducted. Viscount Patterson would be making fun of the emperors in an Indirect way with his questions.

But soon his questions became a lot more serious and his tone became the same as well.

And at last the final question he asked was, "Out of all three emperors, which emperor do you think was the best? It's an opinion based question."

Which did she like best?

For formalities sake, she should obviously say Emperor Claude. And the people would probably say the same since despite his bad personality with children the guy is quite the ruler.

But for Athelinda he is also a guardian. Should she decide the answer based on his ruler ship or personality?

"The answer can be based on both feelings and logics." The viscount added.

"Can I be honest?" Athelinda had been meeting the Viscount for about three years now and she trusted the man. She had looked into his background and he is supposedly from the countryside and a vassal of the Alpheus Duchy...Yep sounds so trustworthy! But Athelinda had gotten the Duke to stay shut up. If she tells what she's about to, to the viscount and he mentions it to the Duke then Athelinda can no longer have the upper hand in their deals.

That being said , Athelinda had a feeling of trust from this man.

"Of course princess, if you're worried about me leaking out your answer then fear not, I am a loyal subject of the princess. "

Of the princess?

He said princess, as if saying he supports her in the line of throne.

That aside, Athelinda took a deep breath and finally said it.

"In my opinion, Emperor Anastacius. "

The viscount widened his eyes and they remained wide for a few seconds before he asked in a surprised voice, "And the reason for that?"

"Emperor Anastacius hardly reigned for a year before Emperor Claude took the throne. Although it is true that the late Emperor was involved in black magic. I read this book, 'The Dark Ages', a detailed biography of Emperor Anastacius and honestly the blame falls on his parents. It's a parents duty to make sure their child grows up well. But for some reason in royal families, the emperors hardly care for their children unless they have great talent. The worst in my opinion is Emperor Anosh. The best one is Emperor Anastacius and Emperor Claude is also okay I guess. He was favored more for his mana aptitude. Honestly I feel bad for Emperor Anastacius. " Athelinda elaborated her opinion.

The Viscount was speechless. His eyes were wide with surprise for a few seconds.

"...Do you think it's weird for a daughter of Emperor Claude to choose Emperor Anastacius as the best?"

"It's different from the majority's view. But I like your views princess."

"As far as rulership goes, Emperor Claude is the best one I suppose, since he can shut the nobility up while keeping the commoners happy. Emperor Anastacius was more focused on his rivalry with Emperor Claude and thus lost the main aim of being an emperor. And Emperor Anosh had good skills as a rule only though. He introduced some pretty useful laws during his reign that have lasted till today and are quite efficient, but the guy had two wives so it was pretty obvious what would happen after his reign. "

The viscount was silent.

"Viscount , who do you think was the best?"

"...The same as yours."

Athelinda immediately alerted herself and rose her guard up.

Does that mean he intends on bringing Emperor Claude down?

"...Well Emperor Anastacius died so there is no point in discussing this any further. " Athelinda stood up from her seat.

Suddenly a hand grabbed her arm.

"Viscount what do you-"

"And what if Emperor Anastacius is still very much alive?" His black eyes glowed a flash of red as he asked the nine-year old princess.

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