Ch 12 : Challenge

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Athelinda woke up to moonlight infiltrating the windows and onto the huge bed. the emperor's room.

She sat up straight to see Claude sitting on his couch viewing a couple of pages.

Athelinda gently displaced her blanket from herself to the side and tried to get off from the bed, but the sound of movement was heard by Claude and thus he spoke, "Stay there."

Claude stood up and went to the girl sitting with her legs down from the bed. Moonlight making her jewel eyes shine.

Claude placed a hand on her forehead as he reached her. Athelinda looked confused.

Wasn't...I in the library? With that viscount? Did i fall asleep while listening to the story?! wow that's so embarrassing,  great job me!

Athelinda unknowingly began to blush from embarrassment, which Claude misunderstood.

"Your fever is gone, but your cheeks are still red."

Huh? Fever??

"Are you hungry?" Claude asked her as he picked her up in his arms. Athelinda nodded and thus they made their way to the dining room. He asked Felix to bring Athanasia as well.


During dinner, Claude brought up the conversation this time.

"To enter the Arlantan School you need to score above a certain number on the entrance exams. Furthermore there's an age requirement as well." Claude spoke and looked at Athelinda.

The two girls were quite shocked by this, seeing as how he completely rejected the idea before.

"I am aware. The entrance exams take place every June and the score requirement is above seventy out of a  hundred. The age requirement is ten."

Claude looked at the determined look in Athelinda's eyes.

"Do you think you can pass the exam?"

"I still have time to prepare, but yes, I have faith in my abilities. "

"Very well then. In three years I will conduct a test to assess your knowledge. If you get a perfect score in that test, then I will allow you to attend that foreign school." Claude proposed an offer.

"And If I don't get a perfect score?"

"Then you will remain in Obelia."

"I accept."

Dinner continued and ended without any further important discussions other than Athanasia and Claude's interactions. Athanasia was then escorted back by Felix and Claude did look at Athelinda deciding whether he should or shouldn't, but she left before he could make up his mind.


When the moon set for the sun to rise, Athelinda woke up. She got up, took a bath, ate her breakfast and began writing in her diary. She had asked Cassandra to prepare a diary for her last night and it was at her table by morning.

3 years.

Athelinda headed to the library and began organizing the study materials. She made a list of the syllabus for the entrance exams. It wasn't that hard, only basic and general knowledge.

But Athelinda had to manage her study time along with other classes as well. So she made a balanced schedule for all her classes while adding her study time.

She already had an Academic teacher so she began taking extra lessons from him for her preparation.

She was quite excited to give the test and finally go to school.

And so her busy routine began.


Two years have passed since the challenge began. Athelinda maintained a proper study schedule. And by now she had covered everything she needed to know and was only testing and revising.

She had more free time than previous years and thus played more with Athanasia. The two girls would run around in the garden and make flower crowns.

Lilian was happy seeing the two interact as siblings and play around. She was worried about Athelinda who had been studying more than a child her age should, so seeing her also playing around made her relieved.

Just like any other day, they were playing hide and seek in the garden, Athanasia found her mana beast.

"Lin! Lin! Look at thiss!  " Athanasia shouted but Athelinda didn't come out from her hiding spot, knowing this might be a trap.

Athanasia tried to pick up the cute creature but it ran away and Athanasia followed it.

After some time, Athelinda came out of hiding and became worried for Athanasia. Her younger sister was nowhere to be seen.


Athelinda began searching for her. As she passed a certain tree, she saw a white tail dangling down. Looking up out of curiosity, she laid her eyes on a snow white cat.

"Aw a kitty!" Athelinda spread her arms and asked the cat, "Come here!" and to her surprise the cat jumped in her arms.

Athelinda fixed her hands to comfortably hold the cat and then she took a closer look at the cats features. Snow white fur, blue eyes.

"Woah , you're soo pretty. Do you have an owner? " Athelinda asked the cat but it simply meowed at her.

"hmm...let's give you a temporary name! If you end up already having an owner and name then I'll simply call you by that name, but for now...I'd like to go with Snow, but that's too common. For a pretty cat such as yourself, I'd call you , Zuri."


"Do you like it, Zuri? It's from a different language, but translated to Obelia , it means 'Beautiful'. " Athelinda massaged the cats head.


"Then Zuri it is!" Athelinda began petting the Zuri's back when suddenly after petting a certain spot,


Two wings had just emerged from Zuri's back, leaving a surprised Athelinda standing.

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