Ch 20 : Prolonged Anger

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Athelinda sneakily entered the isolated hallway in the Garnet Palace, which led to the forbidden library.

Smiling with all her heart she stopped at the doors of the library. Carefully reaching for the silver key, on her neck bound by a thin silver chain, she unlocked the doors.

Stepping inside and taking a moment to admire the ethereal scene before her. Books stacked, ever so neatly and perfectly in their shelves. The library felt so magical everytime she had visited.

She walked up to one of the tables and Zuri was also following her legs. The magician who healed her, Lucas, said that it would be best to keep her away from the divine beast. So Athelinda hadn't seen her for a while, nevertheless she was still as adorable as ever.

Zuri made herself comfortable on one of the chairs while Athelinda went ahead to pick out her favourite books. Finally stacking them all up on the table and going to the book world.


Athanasia was enjoying tea with Claude. Enjoying, or enduring. Claude had been in a foul mood since Felix reported that the eldest princess was still cooped up in her room. Not going to the library nor the garden where she usually went for walks.

"Athanasia, have you visited your sister ?" Claude asked as he violently placed his teacup down.


Claude stared at her as If asking for more information on the eldest princess's mood.

"I visit her every day to play with her in the garden." Athanasia smiled brightly.

"Which garden?" Claude asked before picking up his teacup and bringing it to his lips.

"Uh, we just play in the garden beside the Jade Palace."

Claude halted his actions.

The Jade Palace. Right. He had changed Athanasia's residence from the Ruby Palace to the Emerald Palace. But he hadn't done so for Athelinda.

Claude looked at Athanasia who was smiling at him while carefully cutting her slice of cake in smaller pieces.

"Would you like to share your Palace with her?" he asked and Athanasia froze.

She didn't mean it in a negative way. But she was quite shocked by the question.

your Palace

She still had a hard time believing it was her Palace and not the hidden princess, Jennette. Making a decision like allowing Athelinda in her Palace. She didn't know she had a say in something like this.

"Can Lin really live with Athy?" Athanasia asked with a nervous face.

"If you allow it."

"I would love it!" Athy beamed.


"No." Athelinda stated without even glancing at the redheaded knight and focusing on her latest book which was a romance novel.

"But my lady, his Majesty has deeply thought about this, before sending me. Did you receive his previous token? He sent it with great hope that you would forgive his actions." Felix kneeled beside her bed, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Forgive? me? He is the emperor. He doesn't need my forgiveness."

"My lady, he treasures your opinion of him as he is your father. He seeks your forgiveness as a father, not an emperor. "

"Hmph, and what makes you so sure I am his daughter?" Athelinda asks as she shuts her book.

Felix became speechless by her question.

"If he is so desperate for my forgiveness then I want an apology. Not gifts. And I want his permission for the academy. Not permission to live in a lavish Palace." Athelinda stood up from her bed and walked towards the balcony. 

She heard the sound of Felix standing up from his kneeling position.

"I will convey your response. Blessings and Glory upon the first star of Obelia." 

His 'first' sounded unsure. Athelinda was definitely the eldest. But was she really a star of the empire, under governance of the current emperor?

But did that really matter?

Felix turned towards the door, his face devoid of his usual smile.

"My lady. Whether you are his daughter or not, his Majesty thinks of you as one. Please don't question his love for you simply because you might not be his daughter. "

Felix left.


Athanasia visited her again for their 'garden playtime'.

They were playing hide and seek this time. Last time they were making flower crowns, with Cassandra guiding them.

Athanasia was hiding and Athelinda was currently doing the count down.

As the number dropped to zero, Athelinda began looking around. A strategy of hide and seek she had learned when reading a novel was, hide somewhere and then find your target. 

Athelinda hid herself by laying in a mass of bushes. The options of bugs did make her wanna get up, but sacrifices are needed to achieve certain things.

Athelinda closed her eyes and focused on sounds. Hoping to hear Athanasia's footsteps. Athanasia would probably wait for a while before coming out of her hiding spot to see where Athelinda was. Athanasia would probably end up looking for Athelinda. And if Athanasia moved around too much, knowing her personality, Athelinda doubted she'd be quiet about it. 

And that's what she was waiting for. For Athanasia to lose her patience and  come out.


Athelinda jolted around.

The sound!

To think Athanasia would lose her patience so quickly. Athelinda giggled slightly as she ran towards the source.

" I!"

"Found! "


Athelinda spoke with little pauses as she jumped across the set of bushes and onto the figure she saw.

And to her surprise, it was not her little sister.


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