Ch 42 : Back to the Academy!

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Athelinda stared at Noah and then her necklace and connected the dots in less than three seconds.

As much as confusion and questions took over her mind, she knew better than to discuss such a sensitive topic in the Palace of another.

So she just nodded and decided to be patient. She could interrogate him as much as she wanted back at the Academy.

And although the revelation of him being her fathers subordinate was a lot to take in, she had a dozen more things to think about.

She felt like going insane, but whenever things would become too overwhelming Athelinda found that the best thing to do was, breathe. And for just a short while, think of something she likes.

As soon as Athelinda got back to her room, she ordered Cassandra to get her orange juice. Athelinda had always been an organized person so obviously after coming back to her room and giving herself some time to breathe and just breathe.  She wrote down her thoughts in her journal. Assorting everything out.

She cleared her mind by pouring it out on paper. And then she breathed again.

Just tonight. One last night before she returns to the Academy. And might I add, this last night which seemed awfully unbearable and long suddenly seemed too short when Athelinda remembered the stack of tests and homeworks she had due Monday.

Putting everything aside, she immediately buried herself in her textbooks and spent the last night studying.


Flashforward to the morning, when Athelinda woke up with dark circles underneath her eyes. The Obelian royals were to leave the Palace today and Claude was supposed to leave Athelinda at the Academy before returning to Obelia.

Athelinda got ready and Cassandra did a bit of her makeup so no one notices her sleep deprivation. Athelinda was also, suprisingly, scolded by Cassandra for not prioritizing her sleep.

At the time of departure, Esteban came out to see the royals off. However, Nicholas did not show up.

Athelinda assumed he had gone off to the Academy since the weekend was over now.

Questions arose in her mind as to whether Nicholas would talk to her on Academy grounds or not, but she placed them aside.

Putting on her best smile and walking with the perfect posture, Athelinda sat in the carriage and remained graceful and decent in front of Claude until she was finally at the Academy gate.

After separating from Claude at the gate, Athelinda headed over to her classes while Cassandra headed back to the dorm with Athelinda's belongings. Noah had went along with Cassandra.

One surprise that awaited Athelinda after she reached the building was Cabel Ernst. Standing at the front door, with a book in his hands and his golden eyes fully focused on it.

Athelinda stared at him for a while and he probably felt it, since his eyes then wandered to Athelinda's.

He gave her a rather bright smile. "Welcome back. How have you been?"

Athelinda didn't realize how much she needed this. How much she needed being surrounded by no hostility. And although the answer to his question was anything but 'good.' Athelinda smiled at his concern and said exactly that.

Cabel then opened the door and the two talked about the most nerdiest things as they walked to their class. But then again, having these totally chill conversations was something that helped Athelinda feel like a normal girl and not the daughter of a supposed tyrannical emperor whom everyone hates.

Rosalia met up with the two halfway and gave out this weird sound when she saw them talking about arithematics questions from homework.

Philip and Gabe joined them as well and they all had their little gossip session during break.

Athelinda had been getting stares from almost everyone ever since her first class. Rosalia filled her in on another incident that took place after she went to the Palace, "You have a fan group, congrats."

Athelinda almost choked on her drink. After coughing for about two minutes, and looking at Rosalia, she explained ahead. "Apparently, many students were in awe of your firmness against the wicked lady Quweez. After you left, many students approached me asking about you."

"Wh, What about me??"

Rosalia gave her a wicked grin, "It's a secret."

"What! Not fair!"

"If I tell you, you have to give me something in return." Rosalia proposed.

"How greedy." Philip commented.

Gabe and Cable had gone to see a professor and so Philip was the only one sitting with the girls.

"Its called clever." Rosalia defended.

"Okay what do you want?" Athelinda rushed.

"So since you'll be coming over to my house for the holiday, we're gonna have a sleep over, and I've made a list of things we'll do. And what I want from you is. . . to do them without objection!"

"Can I see that 'list of things'?" Athelinda asked.

Rosalia grinned again, "Nope!"

Athelinda weighed her decision.

"On second thought, I don't really care what the students asked you." She concluded.

"A wise decision." Philip commented.

Rosalia stood up, "Oh C'mon! Don't you trust me!"

Athelinda and Philip smiled innocently and gave her a knowing look.

Gabe and Cabel reached back to the table and they didn't look so well.

"Did the professor scold you two?" Rosalia asked sitting down again. Athelinda stared at Cabel's pale complexion.

"Something like that." Cabel averted his eyes from Athelinda's.

"Why would he? Did you guys do something?" Athelinda asked.

"Let's just say we pulled a silly little prank on a student." Gabe answered.

"If you're gonna lie, do it better." Rosalia suggested.

"Oh but Lady Heinrich, it isn't a lie." Gabe spoke dramatically as he looked towards Cabel.

". . ."

Cabel didn't speak and Rosalia and Philip looked at each other before looking at Gabe. "Is it. . ."

The three of them shared a look before looking at a clueless Athelinda.

"Wh,What is it? Tell me!"

"Well, Cabel, it's up to you." Gabe gave him a pat on the shoulder before walking away. Rosalia and Philip also stood up and left.

Athelinda stared at Cabel.

". . .Anytime now."

"Is it okay if I say this later. . .?"

Athelinda stared at Cabel with a confused expression. "Cabel-"

"I promise! I'll tell you before the holiday starts. It's just-I think- you- no I- uh- it would be better! It would be better if we talked about this before the holiday starts. "

He looked flustered. Athelinda wanted to press further but this was the first time he genuinely looked like he didn't or couldnt say it right now, for whatever reason.

So Athelinda just said, " You promise?"



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