Another World - Arc 2: Sole Minister - Duke Shen, Gifted but Poor

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The perfume permeates through the air fill the entire room. With his five senses automatically enhanced, his nose is more sensitive than others. Liu Xu Yuan waves his sleeves, dismissing the odor around his body. The phoenix eyes slightly open blurrily taking in the surrounding place.

It seems this world- he's in an ancient time.

Liu Xu Yuan narrows his eyes, glance down at the beside table. On it scatters a bunch of exquisite calligraphies and studies materials. A look on the fancy handwritten characters can tell that the writer is an extremely patient and focus individual. Slender, pale fingers reach over and lift the pile. At a closer look, the characters turn cursive and wild as if the writer starts to become irritated but also having a time limit. The materials written are detailed and perfectly informed. It talks about the recent major happenings in the country and its implementation on how to advance, obliterating the problem.

This is the original body's work.

This world's protagonist is the third prince, Zheng Huiqing. There are 7 princes fighting for the right to the throne, although there hasn't been a clear name for the crown prince, the emperor mostly favors the third and seventh prince. Zheng Huiqing is born from imperial concubine Qi Xiulan who is another favorite of the emperor's. Needless to say, this protagonist does not experience much of the bad parenting experiences or go through orphans' journey, rather he is very much loved by both parents. This in turns make his personality conceited and arrogant, thinking he is above the rest. Of course, he is not far from that. Growing up, Zheng Huiqing is offered all that he desires the only problem he has is the fight for the throne. The emperor very much adores his third and seventh son, born from his favorite concubines ignoring the remaining child. Just because he adores them doesn't mean they will gain the right to succeed his place but there is an advantage to gaining his favor. Leaving the others behind, Zheng Huiqing only has the seventh prince in his eyes because the latter too is being endlessly praised by his father which means this person is a block to his path of success.

Thus begins the fight between the two brothers. The seventh prince is the last and youngest, having been born from the empress, one would imagine this individual is living easy. However, the empress has been cast aside and thrown into the cold palace thus there isn't anyone to protect this late-born prince. The empress invests so much time before she can birth this seventh prince but before she could even hold the child, her family drag her down. Someone had leaked information to misled that the empress's family plans to revolt against the emperor in hope to give his place to the emperor's brother- Yu Yaoting. Given the envy added with worry, the emperor is thoroughly convinced of the words. It just so happens he came upon the two brother-sister-in-law hanging around by the pond happily, thus without more comments he cast the empress to the cold palace while the rest of the family is beheaded. Because the empress shows sign of bearing a prince and the love between their partnership from before, the emperor only cast her to the cold palace waiting for the prince to be born. After the seventh prince is born, the empress is immediately ordered to drink poison in wine and died right after the baby is born.

Bearing the name of murdering his own mother, the seventh prince starts to turn shy and introverted from being bullied by the maids and his brothers. At the age of turning 5, the emperor's brother, Yu Yaoting came to take him away seeing how bad he is being treated. Yu Yaoting and the empress has a good relationship, this action of his is to repaid his sister in law's debt. The empress met her beloved once she had turned 18 when she entered the palace, being engaged to the future heir the adults push them to quickly build a bond. Yu Yaoting has not been born yet only when the emperor succeeds the throne did he came. His mother always has a weak body so she quickly left, his father has spent an immense amount of effort to help cure his wife however it all turns in vile. He decisively follows after with depression, leaving their just born son alone in the new palace. However, the empress quickly took Yu Yaoting in her arms. At the time, the emperor is very much in love with Yu Yaoting's mother, promising every happiness to their family. The current emperor immediately sat on the throne right after the funeral.

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