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After a full week of constant thrashing around the mansion filled with shouts, screams and yells, the two young masters are finally awake. The first words they utter were "Where is Xu/my servant?". To which there is no respond, through the dry chapped lips spoken by the two children whose body is littered in pain and aches, their mind still remembers those words spoken to their ears. Whisper of advice, lessons and soft words, the two children's head burns. It has been a of hell of a week where they fell unconscious for 3 days then they wake up only to realize they can't respond to the outside except sleep still and hear. Though the room is silent, not even a sock of dusts and needles is found, even the servants barely stay attended. Even that person is nowhere to be heard from.

But what happen?

No responses.

This is weird.

As Qiu Jing turns frustrated and wants to shout at the useless maid, his finger is clasp by another soft yet scared hand. Small and fragile but already full of roughness and red burns. Qiu Jing turns to look at the boy holding his hand, grumbled.

Qiu Zihan is silent yet his anger and fragility is still shown from the trembling hold on his own hand, though Qiu Jing doesn't speak as he turns back to the maids kneeling down below. He wants to shout and show his authority but before he could do so, an old tired voice comes from outside before a middle age man steps in.

His, no, their granddad.

"Just awake and already making troubles?"

Though it sounds like admonishment, there still seeps some loving reprimand rather than actual anger. Followed by a trail of other servants, maids and doctors.

Old Qiu glances at the doctor as the latter hurriedly walk to the kids and examine their bodies.

Qiu Jing looks at the doctor holding his wrist checking his pulse, he actually feels cold in the back and want to take the hands away but before he can move, the boy beside him has reacted faster and rush to slap the doctor's hand away.


A loud resounding noise, the doctor's face turns red fuming. His raised hand turns up and starts to reprimand Qiu Zihan.

"T-This-! A bastard son dares t-! »

« Yes, I dare. So what?"

The childish tone sounds mischevious but weak like a small ant daring to muster all its courage infront a large venomous tiger.

As the doctor's hand raise down to return a slap back, his hand is clasped. Looking back, he wants to shout but is shocked to see that it's Master Qiu who block him.


"Little kids always like to play, don't mind them."

So the doctor can only swallow all his anger back. After all, the Qiu family is still one of the 5 standing families that rule the state.

Qiu Zihan didn't look at the master as he lowers his head to clutch his shirt tightly, Qiu Jing watches shocked at the interaction but before he could question the other boy.

"Jing'er, come to grandpa. Don't associate yourself with sick wolf."


For the first time, this young boy that is always loved by everybody wants to stand up and argue however the resolve is weak at start thus making the elder easily win.

"Come now."

Though it is spoken with authority and strictness. Qiu Jing has to walk down the bed but twist his ankles and his body tilts before Qiu Zihan grabs his collar and try to hold Qiu Jing's upper body.

Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt