Part 15:// Dread

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After a few days of hanging out with Colby and the rest of the crew, it has changed the way i looked at things. Here i am, crying about everything and i don't realize all of the things that i still have. I still have these AMAZING people in my life. These people are the ones that have been here for me. My cousin has been living here and doesn't care to reach back out to me so i dropped it. Billie. Ugh i miss Billie.

*Outgoing call*

Me-"hey Billie, i miss you so much. I never forgot about you!! I love you!"

Billie-"Y/N omg! i never thought i would hear from you again. It's been about a month, i think about you every single day. Also, im sorry about mom. I miss her so much"

Me-"Thank you Billie. It's hard but i have great friends that are here for me. I'm sorry i haven't been reaching out "

Billie-"It's okay Y/N, i understand completely. You going to her funeral? I want to, i most likely will. That was my momma too"

Me- " Hey Billie, i gotta go, i will call you tomorrow before the flight."

I quickly hung up. I forgot i had to go to her funeral. Just when i thought all was going great. I have to be at her funeral tomorrow. Ugh.

I realize the flight will be just over 6 hours. I have to leave bright and early tomorrow. It takes hours getting through security and shit like that. So i'll leave at 4am.. Sucks how i'm going to my mommas funeral. I shouldn't be, not at 19 years old.

"Hey Colby.. I have to run home and start packing. I have to leave early tomorrow for the airport.." I told him, a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Okay love let me come with you" he replied

"It's okay Colby. I don't want you to go out of your way"

"Baby, you think i was gonna have you take a flight to NY by yourself? No, not at all. I'm coming with you to pack your bags, and to NY" , he said with confidence

This man is everything. So protective. Just when i thought there was no possible way i could fall more in love, i catch myself falling hard.

We quickly grabbed his keys and walked downstairs.

"Hey where are you guys going?", Sam asked us, confused. Katrina, Jake and Corey immediately looked up

"We just have to go to Y/N's house to pack bags. Leaving bright and early tomorrow morning.

"Okay, drive safe you two"

We got to my house. It looks so empty. It's like there is no happiness here.

We walked in the front door and i immediately felt sad. It's so lonely. No way i can live here by myself. I'm all my momma has here in LA so i know the house is going to me. She always told me.

Y/N, when you have kids one day, this is where i want y'all to live. Great neighborhood, plenty of room, happy feeling. I'm leaving the house for you if anything happens to me. I know you will love living here still.

The memory of her saying that just replayed in my head. I love my momma. She does so much for me and she's not even here anymore. I don't wanna live in this house alone. It was only me and my momma here, she got a home with 6 bedrooms, and 5 1/2 baths. She did it in case i wanted people over or even have babies.. But i do know, I can't live here alone..

I quickly went to my room and dug through my closet. I packed enough things for 2 nights, 3 days because i know i'm going to want to see Billie. How much i miss her.

Once i finished packing, i laid in my own bed. Still barely slept in. I took out my phone, It's 6pm. I have to go to sleep soon if i plan on leaving at 4am. Colby laid next to me. We just wanted to relax without being in a loud house if we're going to have to get sleep.

"Baby? Do you want to stay here tonight?" Colby asked as he put his phone down.

"No it's okay.. I don't want to stay by myself. I wouldn't get sleep" I replied

"My love, i would stay here with you of course, i wouldn't leave you here alone. Never" He said to me kindly while rubbing my cheek

"If you want to stay here, then of course. As long as your here. Besides, i haven't slept in this house since we moved in." I chuckled.

"Okay, wanna go to my house with me so i can grab my bags and my clothes by any chance?"

"Of course".

As we walked out of the house, i locked the door behind me and got into his car. For once, i felt okay. I know i have to go to my mommas funeral tomorrow but when i'm home with him there, i feel my mommas presence. I love it.

We got to Colbys house. We ran in quickly, Sam, Kat, Corey and Jake were still in the living room, they plan on doing an all nighter Kat said.

"Y'all leaving again?" Jake asked as he realized Colby was grabbing his things.

"Yeah, we're just going to stay at my house tonight, we have to head out the door at 4am so he's grabbing his things now so we don't have to wake up earlier and come here and be in a rush." i replied

"Awe, we'll im going to miss youu both. Be safe, and text me before you leave and when you land" Kat said as she got up to hug me.

"Okay Y/N you ready to go?". Colby asked with his suitcase in his hand and a book bag on his back, with his clothes that he's going to sleep in.

"I am".

"Bye guys! We will miss you so much! And we're sorry Y/N." Sam said


We got back to my house. I unlock the door and walk in. We walked up the stairs and went down the hall and entered my bedroom. Once we entered the bedroom, i closed the door behind me even though i know no one else is here. I still feel better when i close it.

Colby and i put our suitcases together and our outfits for tomorrow morning on my dresser all ready for us when we're up so we're not looking for clothes. I went to my closet, and grabbed an oversized shirt and slipped it on. I took my jeans off and grabbed a new pair of panties and went into the bathroom to change. I like to sleep in clean panties. All of mine have to be washed so it looks like i have to wear a thong. I guess this is what i get for bringing a boy over and sleeping next to him. Just my luck. I quickly grabbed my panties and went to the laundry room and threw them in the washer so tomorrow i will put them in the dryer before i leave. I already have about 5 pairs of panties in my suitcase so i wasn't too worried. After i walk back in my room, i see that Colby is sitting up on my bed with his legs under the blanket but doesn't have a shirt on. Oh my god, those abs. I thought to myself. I go into my bathroom connected to my room and pull the makeup wipes out of my drawer. I quickly wash my face so i can lay down and get some sleep.

I go back into my room, and walk over to my bed. I climb on my bed and....

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