Part 41:// Sick

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After a week of all of us hanging out as a group before Sam, Jake and Colby left state, i realized they were leaving in a week. We have one week left. But yet they're going to be busy this week to get ready to shoot the video.

I was laying down on my bed as Colby was sleeping since i couldn't get sleep. My stomach started hurting. I felt like throwing up and i was nauseous. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom so i didn't throw up everywhere.

Once i got to the bathroom, i didn't have time to close the door because i felt it coming. I ran over to the toilet and fell to my knees as i was throwing up. I kept throwing up and i heard footsteps running to me.

"Baby!? What's going on, are you okay?" Colby frantically asked as he looked at me and visibly saw that i wasn't feeling good.

"Awe baby" he sighed while holding my hair back for me.

"Colby, i don't feel so good. Im throwing up and i'm nauseous. I don't like it" I cried. I rarely get sick so when i do, i cry because i extremely hate the feeling of puking.

"I know mama. Let me go downstairs and make you some tea and soup". He kindly said, as he helped me up off the floor and helped me clean my face. I quickly brushed my teeth. I know it's not gonna taste good to eat soup after i just brushed my teeth but the soup has to cool down anyways.

After a little while, Colby came back up with my favorite hot tea and chicken noodle soup. I love chicken noodle soup. Colby felt my head to check for a fever. He said my head felt a bit hot so he went to the bathroom and grabbed my thermometer. 101°F. Great. I get sick and can't do anything fun with my boyfriend before he leaves. I randomly got sick, and i don't know how. I ended up eating my soup and drinking my tea before feeling tired.

"Colby, im sleepy" i yawned.

"Okay baby, let me take care of this and i will be back up to cuddle you" He said as he kissed my head.

Colby came back up and laid in bed right next to me. He had me change into new clothes as well even tho i didn't get throw up on my clothes. I didn't mind though because he gave me some of his clothes.

I laid on his chest as he was rubbing my head, sleep was slowly taking over.


I wake up from my peaceful slumber to run to the bathroom yet again. I started puking again and barely made it, but i did.

"Colby!" I cried

No answer. That's right, he wasn't in bed when i jolted awake. It had to be about 10am, he was always awake before that, usually.

"Colby help!!!" i cried louder in hopes he could hear me. But he didn't. Sam was in his bedroom right down the hall from mine and heard me shout, and him and Kat came running in.

"Y/N are you okay?!" Kat asked, quickly grabbing my hair and holding it back like Colby did last night.

"COLBY!!" Sam ran to the stairs and yelled.

Just when he yelled, i heard footsteps run up the stairs. Colby ran in the bathroom to see what was wrong.

"Fuck. Still not feeling good huh baby?" he asked sympathetically as he walked over to me and helped Kat hold my hair up since i have a lot of hair.

"No. not at all. What's wrong with me? I never get sick" i asked sadly

"I know love, i know. Nothing is wrong with you" Colby replied.

"So you're just throwing up and you have a fever?" Kat asked me nicely.

"I mean i'm nauseous as well but that's about it" I replied while wiping my mouth with a wet washcloth. We all walked back out into my bedroom and sat in my bed to talk about it. Jake and Billie went out to breakfast this morning so they weren't here.

After talking about it, i looked up what it could be. I kept looking through the web to see anything that could be possible. As i was about to close out safari on my phone, i saw something that caught my eye.


I quickly jumped off my bed and went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and peed. As i was wiping, i realized, no blood. I missed my period. I was supposed to get my period 6 fucking days ago.

I quickly flushed the toilet as i was pulling my shorts up and ran out of the bathroom.

"Hey guys, i'm running to the store to get some medicine for whatever this is, i will be right back"
I said as i slipped on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I got down to the front door and slipped my crocs on and grabbed my purse and keys. Colby, Sam and Kat came down as well.

"Drive safely please mama, i love you". Colby said as he kissed my head.

"I will, i love you more, bye guys". i said as i walked out of the door.


I got to the store and went to find pregnancy tests. As i looked, there were so many kinds i wasn't sure which to choose. I grabbed 3 different kinds to make sure the result was accurate. I grabbed them and grabbed medicine so Colby doesn't ask why i went to the store if i didn't grab the medicine like i said i was coming here to get.

I walked around to find a self check out register. When i found one, i quickly went up to it and scanned my items. I put them in a bag and swiped my credit card.

Once i finished paying, i rushed out to my car. I started my car and quickly buckled up and started driving back to my house. As i pulled into my garage, i slipped the pregnancy tests in my purse so Colby didn't see it. I walked up to the door and unlocked it and walked in my home. Everyone was on the couch watching the grinch.

"Hey baby" Colby said

"Hey love, are y'all watching the grinch in the summertime?" i chuckled.

"Why not? It's a good ass movie" Colby replied, making all of us laugh.

"Come sit and watch it with us mama" Colby offered.

"Okay, i just have to go pee and put this medicine in our bathroom" i smiled.

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