Part 18:// Obituary

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As i start to walk up to the podium where people were saying the speeches, i kind of wanted to back out.. But i knew i couldn't. This was the last chance i would ever get to tell my momma goodbye. I would do anything to tell her this with her heart still beating. Making sure she can hear every single word. Every single word i'm about to say, i mean it, and i just wish i said it to her before.

I got up behind the podium, adjusted the mic so it was easier for me to talk into.

Hi everyone. Thank you for being able to make it to my mommas funeral. I um.. I didn't think i would be up here right now so i didn't come prepared so i'm going to speak from the heart. And i'm sorry in advance..

My momma was one of the most precious people i know. She was so kind, she was loving, she was so caring. My momma always made sure everyone else was set straight. The big house we live in, yeah. She always said she got the bigger homes so when i have babies, they have a secure place to live. She said she got big homes everywhere we moved so when i have babies, they also have room to grow. She has always said it, that was her logic behind these massive homes. I wasn't too fond of it because i wasn't sure i ever wanted to have kids. Especially with the fact i didn't think i would be a good mother. But my mother was such an amazing mother, and from anything she has taught me, i've learned her parenting skills. My dad was always in the picture until he had passed away. And even after, she's been an amazing mom.

My momma always went out of her way to help people in need. It didn't matter if she knew you or not. She was always there. She accepted everybody. It didn't matter your skin color, your race, your sexuality, anything. She cared about people no matter what. She has always had a heart of gold. My momma was my best friend. She was always so supportive of me and my choices. She was my shoulder to cry on and i was hers. We were so close and nothing would ever be able to break that bond. I didn't think i'd even be at her funeral right now. Not because i wouldn't be able to make it, but because she was young and still had her life ahead of her. I lost her too soon. I will always miss my momma. I love her with all my heart and could never forget about her. When i have babies, i will try to be the best momma i can be, and i will make sure they know her their grandma is. I love youu momma, may you rest in peace.

I was filled with anxiety the whole time i was up here. I started to tear up and i felt myself about to break down. I had so much to say about her but i couldn't continue or i would cry my eyes out and i don't like to cry in front of people. I looked at Colby as i stepped away from the podium. I quickly looked down as i was walking back to him so i didn't have to make eye contact with anyone, if i did, i wouldn't be able to handle it much and actually would've broke down uncontrollably. Once i got back to my seat, i sat down and Colby put his arm around my shoulders and held me tight as i silently cried into his neck.

As the funeral ended, we walked back to the car. We all got in and it was a silent drive to my grandmas.

Once we got to my grandmas, she got out and i walked her back to her door.

"I love you honey, thank you for going up there and saying something. Now you go be safe and i will hopefully see you sometime again." She said as she hugged me

"Of course grandma. I love you too" i replied.

As she walked into her house, she turned around and waved goodbye. Man i miss that lady.

I got back into the car and opened the door. I got in and took a deep breath.

"You okay love?" Colby asked me as he grabbed my hand

"Yeah. I will be. I have you two. Of course" i replied with a slight smile


We all went to Billies house since she lives alone in a tiny apartment. Once we walked in the door, we all sat down on the couch. I was in the middle, Colby to my right and Billie to my left. We were all pretty tired. Especially with jet lag. We started dozing off. I couldn't fall asleep though. So much on my mind. After about 10 minutes, i realized that Billies and Colbys heads were rested on my shoulder and they were sleeping. I love these two.

About 45 minutes later, my phone started ringing. I looked at it, Unknown Caller. I was skeptical to answer but i did.

Y/N: Hello?

??: Hello, is this Y/N ? Y/N  Y/L/N?

Y/N: This is she. May i ask who this is?

??: Hi hon, this is your moms lawyer. I was wondering when a good time would be to discuss your moms will?

Y/N: We'll we can do it now if you have the time? I'm not going to be here for in New York for too long so i'm not sure i would have the time to go to the office.

Lawyer: Yes of course. So what it says here, is your mom owns 2 homes? One here in New York and another in Los Angeles, is that correct?

Y/N: Yes, it is.

Lawyer: Okay great. So she had wrote, that whatever is in New York, she is leaving with her mom, and whatever is in Los Angeles, is going to you. So the home she has in New York she is leaving to your grandmother and the home in Los Angeles, she is leaving to you.

Y/N: Um okay great! Thank you!

Lawyer: No problem but that's not all, She said that both homes are fully paid for, so there are no bills for those homes that need to be paid. She had also stated that she's leaving 50% her money to you, including life insurance.

Y/N: Oh wow. My mom was a very wealthy woman, Im not sure what i'm going to do with all of this at 19. It's just a bit overwhelming you know? Wait, may i ask, is the other 50% going to my grandma?

Lawyer: Yes. That's correct. Your mom has also stated that she leaves all belongings to you but would like if you gave some to your grandmother as well, but she has written that it is completely up to you.

Y/N: Yes of course.

Lawyer: Okay great. So we are working on putting the home in your name as an inheritance that has been fully paid for. Same with grandma, and the money should go into your bank account in up to 2 days.

Y/N: Okay thank you.

Lawyer: Of course hon, And im sorry for your loss. She was a great woman. Prayers and condolences.

Y/N: Thank you, it means a lot.

Lawyer: Well Y/N, i will let you go, goodbye"

Y/N: Bye

As i hung up the phone, i realized Colby and Billie were still sleeping on my shoulders. They look so peaceful. The two people that are so important to me, are right here. I hope it only gets better. Hard to believe but i hope so.

Wait... How am i going to tell Cooby and Billie about the call..? I can't live there on my own.. I just really can't do it..

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