Chapter 5: Physical Exams

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A/N: Hiii this one's gonna be longer(i hope). So please enjoy! And leave any recommendations for writing or working out friendships. (Also my fav underrated character is Ojiro so once 1-A is all introduce expect him to show up a lot lol :3)

Trigger warning: Violence, blood (they are fighting the bots today!!!)

3rd person POV:

   Hundreds of students start to work their way through the UA gates. Some notable faces include, Tenya Iida, the youngest child in the heroic Iida family, Katsuki Bakugo, a fierce boy who came top in most of his classes, and Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy, who was already able to figure out every factor in deciding who gets in and who's left behind.

   Izuku spent some extra time before getting on the train studying up on what to expect. He worked hard for the written exam and through some leaks on an online forum he was able to find out exactly what they would be doing for the physical. Fighting robots. The more bots you break the more points you get but with this being UA there is always another factor. He looked deeper in and was able to piece together they would most likely be looking at property damage, team work, and rescues. All of which he was prepared for.

   But now with everyone in seats around the auditorium, even with his insight on the physical exam Midoriya found himself worrying if he had practiced enough.

'Have I worked hard enough to be here? Everyone else has amazing quirks and all I did was ask to bring some knives. I'll end up getting in the way if I'm not careful. If I get in or not I have to make sure I'm not a burden. Not now'

"ALL RIGHT LISTENERS!!! The written exams have been collected so now it is time to get to the good stuff! THAT'S RIGHT IT'S TIME FOR THE PHYSICAL! Now let me lay it down for ya!"

   Present Mic kept explaining the physical and answering questions until it came to the big zero pointer. It didn't make sense to Midoriya.

'What's the point of having something be so massive if it's useless? There has to be more to it. If they wanted obstacles they would have built some. Even if it's worth zero points there is definitely more to it. It must have to do with rescuing or property damage.'

"GO ON LISTENERS GET OUTSIDE AND READY YOURSELF FOR BATTLE!" Present Mic's voice boomed in the auditorium as the students started to make their leave.

   Midoriya readies his knives and puts bandages over his hands, in hopes to help keep his grip tight without causing harm. He spots Bakugo across the area, stretching his arms. He also spots the kid from the train, Shinso, who looks to be panicking.

'I should talk to him, maybe apologize for earlier. I might have freaked him out.' Midoriya thinks to himself but quickly shakes the idea, worried he might distract him from the exam. He doesn't want to be a burden and keep Shinso from focusing, that would be inconsiderate.

   The gates open and the soon to be students run into the fake city taking down robots left and right. Bakugo can be seen even from far away blowing up some of the bigger robots. Tenya Iida speeds around using his legs to kick robots against buildings. Ochaco Uraraka, a girl with pink cheeks, padded hands, and brown hair, uses her quirk to float robots into the sky and drop them all at once.

   Midoriya sprints onto a 3 pointer and wedges his knife in its neck and tears it's head clean off before starting to move onto another. Rapidly slicing and punching the mechanical creatures and leaving their body's on the floor.

'39 That's how many I've taken down now. I should have paid more attention to the points but for now this is all I know. Only a few minutes left now, only about 5 right? Damn it. I need to do more. I have to fight more!'

   Midoriya charges at another 3 robots disassembling them quickly. He grips his knives in both hands tighter and much to his displeasure the bandages didn't do the best job of protecting him. His palms are rubbed raw and on the verge of bleeding.

'No. I can't stop now. Not now. I can work harder. I will keep fighting!'

   His thoughts are interrupted by an explosion not far off. From the rubble and smoke emerges a massive robot. It's the zero pointer, and it's bigger than expected. A few of the kids yell and run from the terror that stood behind them. One girl gave a quiet yelp. Uraraka is trapped under the scraps of a 3 pointer and the rubble from the explosion.

   Midoriya's head stops thinking and before he knew it he was at the foot of the zero pointer helping the trapped girl. He's hardly sure how he got here but he knew he couldn't leave her. She would get crushed if they weren't careful.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, trying to stay calm.

"Y-yeah thanks but I think I twisted my ankle." She spoke softly but direct.

   Midoriya looked at the robot that was approaching them. He gave a small huff and carried the girl off to the side in hopes to get her out of the way. He couldn't let her walk as it was. Her ankle looks purple and broken. It wasn't just twisted.

   Midoriya pulls the knives from his side and runs towards the zero pointer.

"H-Hey!! BE CAREFUL YOU'LL G- you'll get crushed..." Uraraka became lightheaded and started to throw up. She definitely over used her quirk.

   Midoriya was still quick to scale the robot using his knives to grip the zero pointers body as he climbed up the robot. It took a while but he made it to the robot's neck. And started slashing away at the exposed wires.

'I can't leave this thing. As it is it will keep wrecking buildings and just hurt more people. I have to destroy it. I have to cut though!'

   The knives start to bare some of Midoriya's blood. His palms are red and worn out, bleeding down the robot's neck. But before any hope is lost the mechanical titan stops moving and begins to break down. There is a small explosion in its arm before a much larger explosion on its face. The robot falls backwards and Midoriya is sent flying. His hands and back are bleeding bad.

Earserhead POV:


   I watched the kid climb up the robot. I intended to catch him when he gave up or fell off the side but he didn't and now this thing is gonna crush him.

   I use my capture weapon and swing down the side of the building I was on. I grabbed his arms and moved away from the robot as best as I could. I landed on another roof top and looked at the kid. It was the one from this morning, those green curls are unforgettable.

"Midoriya? Can you hear me Midoriya?" I try to stay calm but it's clear this much blood loss is going to affect him badly.

"E-Earserhead...?" He spoke softly before coughing up a bit of blood. I tried to set him up but the back of his shirt was drenched in blood.

"You're gonna be alright kid. Recovery girl will be here soon and we'll take you to the infirmary to heal up, ok?" I tried not to show it but I was panicking. Midoriya was covered in blood and looking at me with those soft emerald orbs he has for eyes.

"I- I'm sorry" he whispered.

'Sorry? Sorry for putting his life at risk? What the hell is this kid apologizing for? Between his recklessness and how he was this morning I think I'd like to meet his parents. This kid isn't alright. Something's off.'

   I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sight of Recovery girl. I take Midoriya and try to hold him gently. I make my way down  the roof top and take him to her side, who directs me to a stretcher held by two robots. I set him on it and he's carried off, not before a single healing kiss from Recovery girl.

   I decided I should go see Mic now that the test is over. He collected the slips with the students' information on it, so I can look for Izuku Midoriya's and figure out what's going on.

'Why would he risk himself like that? Why is he always apologizing and acting like he is some sort of burden?' I will get to the bottom of this.

A/N: Hi again! This one is longer with 1474 words!

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