Chapter 25: Training!

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A/N: Patrol time and POV swaps! Please enjoy this chapter. <3

Sir Nighteye POV:

   I must admit I'm worried for young Yamada. He has no confidence in himself and his past has a lot to do with it. I requested him upon seeing his interaction with All Might during the end of the sports festival. He was shaking and stuttering all over the place. I once thought of my quirk like a curse, every time I saw the future something bad happened. I lacked self esteem. I wonder today how many more people I could have saved if I believed that I could've, so that's why I must help this boy.

   The best place to start is in the past. If I make him realize that he always mattered then we can start to build confidence. It's going to be quite the task however. I'm hopeful that it isn't too late.

"Sir, let's show Deku the outskirts of town. There's always thugs down there! I'm sure we could show him some fighting techniques." Lemillion gives a bright smile.

"Right, that sounds like a good plan. Deku, can you keep up with us?" I turn to the boy who's standing behind me and next to Lemillion.

"Uh- yes sir! I think..." he says very skittishly.

"If you think that you can then you can!" Lemillion pumps a fist into the air. Smart boy.

"I- right!" We get a shaky smile out of Deku.

   The three of us jog down the road to the shady part of town. Deku keeps up very well, he doesn't even break a sweat. He just kept his eyes in front of him, only looking away if he heard something. He clearly has skills so he shouldn't doubt himself so much.

"Hold on, something happened down there." Deku points down an alleyway we passed.

"Right." I say backtracking to the corridor.

"It's blood." He runs a finger through the substance on the walls.

"I- Hello? Is anyone here? We are heroes, we can help you!" Lemillion yells down the alley.

"H-heros...?" A small voice squeaks from somewhere.

"Where are you, we can help." I yell.

"Wait Deku-" Lemillion calls after Deku who runs behind a dumpster.

"Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." We hear him whisper. We turned to each other then ran up behind him.

   He holds a little boy, hardly 7 year old, in his arms. He takes the first aid from his belt and uses bandages on the little boy's knees, that are scraped and bleeding. The boy sniffles into Deku's shoulder.

"See it's okay, these are heros. They want to help you." He speaks softly to the boy. The kid whispers something into his ear then Deku stands up.

"We should take him somewhere safe, he was attacked by a villain. I don't think he's in any state to answer questions." He turns to us.

"Okay, Hi little guy. I'm Lemillion and this is Sir Nighteye. Our friend that's holding you is Deku." Lemillion waves to the boy who shudders.

"Let's take him to the police department. They can contact his parents and-" I start.

"NOO NO! DON'T SEND ME BACK PLEASE I'LL BE GOOD!" The boy squirms and hits Deku in the face, crying.

"It's okay. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. We won't call your parents, okay? I'm going to keep you safe." He rubs the kid's hair back.

"P-please don't let mommy h-hurt me." He sobs.

"We promise nothing bad will happen to you." I add, starting to walk out of the alleyway.

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