Chapter 51: Work studies, Beginning!

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A/N: Time for the first day of the students' work studies! This is a POV swap chapter and will focus on different students and their work studies. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Tsuyu POV:

   Ribbit, getting to do real hero work with Ryukyu, Nejire, and Uraraka has been great. Just a few days ago I was filling out some papers so I could come here and now, I am here! Ryukyu has already explained the basics to me and Uraraka and apparently Nejire has been doing her work study with Ryukyu for a while now.

   We're heading out on a patrol right now. So far Ryukyu has already been stopped to sign four different autographs! Which is a lot for just a walk around the block.

"Just over this way girls! My patrol routes do change depending on crime rates and suspicious activities, but as for today we'll stick to my normal route." Ryukyu smiles back to us.

"Yeah we go this way a lot! Froppy, Uravity, are you ready to fight some crime?" Nejire giggles.

"I'm not sure we'll see any villains during the afternoon but I know you girls will do great." Ryukyu nods.

"Ribbit, thank you!" I blush.

   But before we can continue our conversation we hear a blast, then two people, one with an ice quirk, come speeding down the road on an icy ramp. The other person carries two large bags.

"Stop them! Thieves! Someone help!" A woman shouts after the two.

"That's our que girls! Stop those villains!" Ryukyu roars, transforming into her dragon form and gliding after the speedy criminals.

"Right, let's go!" Nejire uses her quirk to float after Ryukyu.

"Make yourself weightless. I'll use my tongue to fling you into the villains, ribbit!" I look at Uraraka.

"Okay!" She says, using her quirk.

   Once she's weightless I wrap my tongue around her then get a running start before flinging her far into the distance. I hop after them as fast as I can, using my tongue on traffic lights to pull myself forward. When I catch up I see Uraraka floating the villains up in the air to Ryukyu and Nejire.

"Great plan Froppy!" Uraraka waves to me.

"Good work girls." Ryukyu snatches the villains.

My first true hero mission and I did good, ribbit!

Hitoshi POV:

   I walk out of the Fatgum agency with Fatgum, Kirishima, and Amajiki. We head out for our patrol as soon as the sunset. Which is a good thing seeing as how my costume will blind in a lot better. The other three stand out like a sore thumb. But they're strong enough to be fine even if people can spot them.

"I'm so glad I get to work with three kids this year! It's going to be a lot of fun." Fatgum smiles.

"I'm glad I get to work with you sir!" Kirishima says.

"Yeah, this opportunity means a lot. Thank you." I nod.

"Oh please no need to be so formal! I'm lucky to be working with such strong kids." Fatgum says, take another bite out of his snack.

"What was that...?" Amajiki points to a crowd where we hear a gunshot.

"Not sure, let's go find out!" Fatgum runs and we run with him.

   There's a man who is holding a gun and another who is injecting himself with some type of drug. They're shouting at the crowd.

"Stop!" Amajiki grows tentacles from his fingers and grabs one of the men before being shot.

"My quirk..." Amajiki's limbs where his quirk was activated go limp.

"Stay out of our way!" The man shouts and fires again at Amajiki but Kirishima takes the bullet and hardens so it doesn't have an effect.

"I don't think so!" Kirishima shouts.

"This is over!" Fatgum goes after the guy with the gun and the two of them go into battle.

"Red riot, the other one is getting away!" I yell before going after the other villain.

"Right here I come!" Kirishima yells after me and we run for the villain who darted down an alleyway.

"Stop villain!" Kirishima yells.

"Make me you brat!" He sends knives and blades out from his skin right for us.

   Kirishima tanks the hits by hardening and I dodge upwards using my capture weapon. This guy injects another tube into his side. It's definitely drugs.

"He's got a lot of drugs on him, Red Riot!" I shout and pull myself onto a roof up above.

"Alright then, let's take him down!" Kirishima shouts and runs past the blades towards the villain.

"No, don't!" The villain yells.

"Game over, criminal." I come down from the roofs and wrap my scarf around the villain. I slam him into the floor and Kirishima comes over to us.

"Nice work man!" He smiles.

"No, it's not fair!" The villain cries.

"Are you crying? ..." I look at the man.

"Come on, that's not manly at all." Kirishima bends down to the villain before I noticed I had loosened my grip on him.

"Brats!" The villain laughs, sending blades right for us.

   My shoulder is cut and Kirishima gets knocked back. The villain keeps laughing and injects even more drugs into his neck. The blades pour out of him as he attacks us. I'm lucky to not get cut again.

"No more of this, I will defeat you and protect my friend and these people!" Kirishima runs forward, right through the blades, and punches the villain. Knocking him out, as all the blades retract.

"Shinso you okay?" Kirishima runs over to me.

"I'm good, let's tie this guy up though." I stand, holding my shoulder.

"There you two are! Are you alright?" Fatgum runs to us.

"They saved us." A couple says, from behind a dumpster.

"Huh, did you now? That's great work boys! Let's turn these guys in and, uh, maybe do something about your shoulder there Shinso." Fatgum grabs the villain who weeps unconsciously.

"Right." I nod and the three of us walk out of the alleyway back to Amajiki.

Izuku POV:

"Glad we get to work together again, Izuku!" Mirio smiles.

"I'm glad too." I nod.

"This time you'll work with us for a lot longer and you can do some real crime fighting." Sir Nighteye glances at me.

"I'm happy I get to help." I smile.

"I'm happy that you're so helpful!" Mirio laughs and ruffles my hair.

"We're going to head on different routes today to do some research on a man named Kai Chisaki, the head of the Yakuza group, Shie Hassaikai. Keep a close eye on him. We have reason to think he's up to no good." Nighteye nods at us.

"Right!" Me, Bubble Girl, and Mirio nod with him.

"Bubble Girl and I will head downtown. Lemillion and Deku, you two head uptown." Nighteye tells us.

"Okay, let's go!" Mirio and I walk out of the office.

   We walk up the street and turn the corner. We don't get far when I hear someone running. I turn to look down the alleyway and a small girl runs into me.

"Oh, are you okay?" I look at her.

"Please don't go." She whimpers.

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! It is shorter but still good coming in at 1215 words long! <3

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