Chapter 17: Rescued (USJ arc 2)

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A/N: keeping it brief! Please enjoy part two of the USJ arc!

Trigger warning: ambulances, surgery, injuries

Safe reading!

3rd person POV:

The ambulances parked right outside of the USJ facility and took Izuku and Shouta to the hospital. Hizashi wasn't allowed in Izuku's because of his condition. So he rode with Shouta, holding back tears the entire time. His husband and son were nearly killed and he didn't do anything to stop it.

Izuku's classmates are also heartbroken and upset. The boy they had all gotten close to was being taken away in a hospital because of a villain attack during their first week of school. While no one else was injured badly enough to be taken to the hospital they still felt pain because of the hole Izuku left in their hearts.

Katsuki most of all. Just a few days ago they were laughing about their future lives as heros and now he isn't sure Izuku will live. He wants to chase after them and find some way to help, but he knows better than to get in the way.

It's a short drive to the hospital and while Shouta is put into a room full of nurses and a doctor, Izuku is rushed to an operation room. He has shards of his gas mask stuck in his skin, his arms are broken, and his skull could have a fracture on it. No one is sure yet.

It was three hours of operation and Izuku was barely in stable condition. Eventually they push him into the same room as Shouta and attach all sorts of wires, tubes, and whatnot. After that the doctor told Hizashi he could visit them.

"Izu...Sho..." Hizashi whispers, looking at the two. Shouta is bandaged up and Izuku was left mostly open except for his arms, back, and nose.

"Zashi, I can't turn my head. Tell me how Izuku is." Shouta says, staring up at the ceiling.

"Oh well you know he's... he's unconscious I think and he's got all types of medical equipment attached to him and..." Hizashi runs over to Shouta's side and begins to cry. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there sooner!"

"Zashi, this isn't your fault. Besides, I was there and I couldn't protect us from Nomu." Shouta starts to cry as well. "I failed them. I failed him."

"Oh Sho, you didn't fail. No one saw this coming and... I-" Hizashi is interrupted when he sees Izuku try to set up oy to whence in pain.

"Izuku! I-are you okay? Can you hear me? Can you see me?" Hizashi scoots to sit in between the two.

"Mh... Dad...?" Izuku asks, very groggily.

"Y-yeah that's m-me Izu!" Hizashi cries out.

"W-what happened... to Tsu and Mineta?" He's able to turn to Hizashi and Shouta.

"Oh, they're fine. Everyone else went mostly unharmed." Hizashi lowers a hand onto Izukus.

"How are you, Izuku?" Shouta asks very slowly and softly.

"I'm okay... I can't feel my back but that might be a good thing. How about you?" Izuku looks at the bandaged hero.

"Heh, I'm doing pretty good, kid. There might be some damage to my eye and arm but nothing too bad. The doctors say I was lucky that Nomu didn't slam my face anymore or I could've had permanent eye damage." Shouta speaks calmly to the teen who's starting to tear up.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help more." Izuku starts to cry.

"Kid, you didn't have to help at all. You're still a student, still a child, it wasn't your responsibility to fight the villains. You did great, I wish you would be a little less reckless and self sacrificing. But I'm very happy that you're alive." Shouta says still softly in hopes to stop the unnecessary tears.

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