Chapter 6: Exam Aftermath

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A/N: Hi, I'm currently getting back into school now that breaks over so expect less frequent updates. Good news is this trimester half my classes are electives! Anyways, please enjoy! And remember to take breaks when needed. <3

Trigger warning: abuse, hospital setting, scars

3rd person POV:

   Shouta Aizawa sits in a chair next to the sleeping, Izuku Midoriya. He flips through a folder of notes about the boy. It has a decent amount of personal information regarding Midoriya, including the information he lied about during their first encounter.

"Sho, I thought you said this kid lived in Musutafu?" Mic looked concerned at his partner who bit his lip in frustration.

"That's what he told me." He gave a small glare towards the voice hero.

"What are you two doing? Don't tell me you already got a soft spot for the kid? I thought you were the heartless hero, Aizawa." Recovery girl entered the room with some medications that she stuffed in a drawer at her desk. Such a frail old woman, you'd figure she would be sweet.

"Heh, please I watched this kid's back burst open with blood. I'm not leaving till I know the brat is safe." Aizawa looked bitter but the others knew he wanted to take care of this kid.

"Besides, I met him early this morning and he never said anything about an orphanage, in fact he said the opposite. Once I'm sure he's ok I'm gonna have a few questions."

"Just don't rush him too much." Recovery girl started to write on a clipboard and Mic was getting ready to take his leave before the resting boy started to move.

"Ugh..." He used one hand to grab his wrist.

"What happened- where am I-I" Midoriya stuttered, clearly shocked by the situation.

"Ah- Midoriya you're awake! You're at UA, in my office. I'm Recovery girl, I've been tending to your wounds from the entrance exams." Recovery girl responded much nicer than when she was speaking to Mic and Earserhead.

"M-my wounds?" He look down at his bandaged arms and could feel the bandage wrap the cased in his back.

"When you went to take down the zero point robot you took a decent amount of damage. You should be more careful with yourself, young man." Even scolding the boy she seemed so nice.

"I-I'm sorry..." he muttered

"Hey, there's nothing to apologize for kid, you did good but you should be less reckless." Aizawa chimes in.

"If you don't mind me asking" Recovery girl started "have you injured your back before? It looked like it had been burned."

"I-" the boy started to look panicked and tested up a bit, clearly struggling to hold in the tears.

"When I was younger my father burned me, when he found out I was quirkless." He was practically whispering.

The room fell silent.

"Ah, I see, in which case when you leave I would recommend removing the bandages after a bath or it might get irritated." Recovery girl broke the silence and reached for her clipboard again. "Of course that won't be until tomorrow."

"T-tomorrow?" Midoriya questioned.

"Yes, your wounds aren't well enough for me to let you out until tomorrow. You need to rest in order to heal up and I can't keep an eye on you if you aren't here. Your caretaker has already been notified so there is nothing to worry about." Recovery girl looked up from her clipboard at the boy who was nearly ready to break down.

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