Chapter 47: Uncomfortable Conversation!

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A/N: Welcome back! Time for the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. And thanks for 3K reads!


Mirio POV:

I was heading to the teacher lounge to meet up with All Might after school when I noticed Izuku had left his backpack there. I decided to go run it down to him before I left with Sir and All Might. I went to the 1-A dorms and a nice green haired girl pointed me up to his room. I knocked but the door cracked open as I hit it.

"Hey Izuku you left your-" I notice Izuku entirely asleep on his desk.

"Heh." I sigh and sit his backpack next to his resting body.

I leaned over a little bit and saw what he was working on. It was a notebook with some sort of code inside. But what really caught my eye were the images next to code. My picture, All Might's picture, Nana Shimura and other people I didn't recognize were all in the notebook. We had images depicting quirks and things that I could read in the same mysterious code.

'Is Izuku researching One for All?' I ponder.

"Hm?" Izuku rubs his eyes and turns to me.

"Oh, OH! Oh my gosh I didn't notice you walk in. I just sort of passed out, I'm so sorry. Can I help you, Mirio?" He waves his hands infront of his face.

"You're okay! I saw you left your backpack in the teachers lounge so I brought it to you." I smile.

"Oh thank you!" Izuku nods.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you working on?" I ask him, the notebook still on my mind.

"Ah, I actually wanted to talk to you about this! I looked into your quirk a little bit and found some stuff out. I wanted to talk to you about it before but it must have slipped my mind. Here, take a look." He hands me the notebook.

"I can't read this code." I laugh.

"Oh! Right, I can read it to you, if you aren't busy. I did find some important stuff out, just having trouble remembering all of it." He nervously smiles.

"Actually is it cool if All Might hears this? He's pretty smart about this quirk so the more we both know about the quirk the more control I can have." I look at him.

"Of course! We can do this here or wherever." Izuku grabs three notebooks.

"All Might is in the main building so we should run into him there." We walk out of his room.

"Right!" Izuku smiles.

We walk back to the main building and bump into Sir and All Might. I explain the situation a bit, then we walk back to an empty room inside the building and sit while Izuku explains some of what he's written down.

"You found out who the other vestiges were? I've looked before but always came up short with answers." All Might sighs.

"I really had to look at old quirk family tree books and see when someone had a strength quirk but never passed it down, so I'm not sure if it's 100% accurate." Izuku blushes.

"Still this is a lot of information. I thank you Izuku." Sir looks at Izuku.

"This is just the first bit of the first book! If you guys are busy we can wait to talk about them." Izuku rubs the back of his neck.

"I don't think we're in any hurry, so keep going! Plus I'm interested in why you recorded the former vestiges' quirks. Was there a reason for that or just because it might be useful?" I ask him.

"Let me check, if I'm honest it's hard to remember exactly why..." Izuku flips through pages.

"Oh, here it is! I recorded the quirks because there's a chance that one of the future holders might be able to harness the old quirks, but it's a lot of energy that could break the human mind and body if they couldn't handle it." Izuku reads off of the in coded notebook.

"Are you suggesting that Mirio or another future hero could use quirks from the past?" Sir asks.

"Yes but it's so dangerous and full of extreme amounts of energy that the person who would use those quirks would need to be more than human! Even under the best circumstances, if a normal person that already has a quirk tried to activate the old quirks their heart might stop instantly. In theory." Izuku looks up from the notebook.

"Wait, you said a normal person that already has a quirk, does that mean someone without a quirk could harness that energy better or worse?" All Might asks.

"Better, in theory. Think of quirks like having a cup of water. People who are born with a quirk have their cup full, it can't hold anymore. When you add another quirk to the cup it becomes unstable and likely to spill or even break. A quirkless person has nothing in their cup so filling it with another quirk puts them under no stress. This is all theories, take it with a grain of salt." Izuku turns to All Might.

"So I can't use the former holders' quirks." I sigh.

"Actually I shouldn't be using One for All! That's another quirk, does that mean I'm at risk for losing control or something?" I start to worry.

"I- well... I wasn't sure how to tell you this but... during my research I found an... unpleasant pattern." Izuku looks at me then back at the notebook.

"I saw that people who held the quirk and already had another quirk... died at half of their life expectancy. Even the ones who never fought villains." Izuku looks away from us.

"What?" All Might looks panicked.

"Think about it, All Might, you didn't have a quirk before and now you're 49. The oldest any of the former users got was 40 and they couldn't use any of the past quirks. The energy was too much for them to handle... But that's just a theory! There could be another reason!" Izuku looks down at his notebook.

"It makes sense." I say.

"I'm worried that I think it also makes sense. But I agree we should look in for another reason. Let's not jump to any conclusions." Sir says.

"I put you in danger... young Mirio... I'm sorry." All Might looks at me.

We sit in silence as everything sinks in.

'It makes sense now. Sometimes, even after all my training, I still lose complete control of my quirk. Damn it.' My mind is a million thoughts a second.

But then I noticed Izuku.

His face looks, upset. He didn't want to bring us this bad news but we made him. Even when he got visibly uncomfortable he still told me about One for All. Now we each worry about ourselves while Izuku worries for us. He doesn't deserve to feel awkward or bad because he told us the truth. I have to reach out, right now!

"Thank you Izuku! I promise I will do good with the amazing information you've given us. I promise, and I don't think I can thank you enough!" I pull him in for a hug.

"I-" He struggles to hold back the obvious tears.

"Yes, Izuku you have done so much for all of us and we should thank you for doing work where you didn't need to. You've informed us on some very important things, thank you." Sir rests a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Thank you young Yamada. You will make an amazing hero." All Might nods.

After the embrace, Izuku thanked us and made his way back to his dorm. I have a lot to think about. The future of one of the strongest quirks to exist is in my hands. I need to do the right thing. I also need to find out what the right thing is.

No matter what happens I will be a hero and protect the future of this quirk!

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! It was 1372 words long!

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