Chapter 46: The Bird of Prey in the Underworld!

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A/N: Enjoy this chapter! Time to get back to the story. This one is shorter but it's a good break from side plots and main arcs. Hope you like it!

Shouta POV:

   It was a late night on my patrol. I hadn't seen anything yet and was heading back to UA when I heard a gunshot. I sprint down the alleyway and see two men.

"Hurry up and hand over the cash!" One shouts, his hand is a gun.

"I don't have it!" The other stumbles on the floor.

"Then hand over the brat!" He yells.

"I don't have him yet either! Just give me time please. I'll get both and prove my worth! I will catch the UA twerp." The one on the floor cries.

"Neither of you will get what you're looking for." I activate my quirk and wrap them in my binding scarf.

"What the..." The one with the gun quirk tries to shoot but nothing happens.

"My quirk!" He yells.

   I dragged them into the nearby police station but they seemed more scared of who hired them then prison. Tsukauchi couldn't get a word out of either of them, the only thing we did get was a verbal response on the fact that they didn't work for or with the league of villains. Whoever they are working for needs money and a UA student. I'll have to bring this up to Nezu.

If any of my students are at risk then I will be sure to catch the villain who sent them.

Overhaul POV:

   Unfortunately the lackeys that I sent to go spy on my next project failed. Those two know better than to open their mouths so I'm sure I don't have to worry about my plan being discovered so soon. The quirkless hero boy will be mine and he will help me cure the world.

"Overhaul, Eri has been put back to bed. Anything else I can do?" Chrono asks.

"No, that's all for now. I need some time to think about our next move. We're getting closer to perfecting the bullets but I still think Izuku would make a good back up. I'll be in my office, keep an eye on things." I look at Chrono.

"Of course." Chrono walks down the hall.

   Chronostasis, or as I once knew him, Hari Kurono. He's helped me through my project from the very beginning. I trust Chrono with the project at hand, I also trust him with Eri's care. When I can't keep the girl straight or when I'm too busy I send Chrono to go watch her.

   When Chrono is too busy to deal with the girl I tend to make one of the Eight Bullets watch her. Normally Nemoto or Setsuno. They're good at keeping a close eye on the troublesome little girl. Yesterday Nemoto caught her trying to run off. I don't know why she keeps trying. She knows every time she makes it out someone has to die. I wish she would behave herself.

   Speaking of the Eight Bullets, I might send them out on a team mission to catch Izuku. Having him here would not only help with the development of my cure for the world, but give me a leg over the league. The league of villains would be a nice piece to have in my pocket, and with their interest in Izuku I have all the more reason to take the boy.

"Overhaul, the test products are getting ready to be shipped out. A warehouse by the bay has plans to ship them out on undercover boats. Are we ready to move forward?" Mimic walks into my office.

"Right, send them out but be sure to mix our packages with other drug boxes. It will shift the blame to typical drug dealer types. Make sure the Shie Hassaikai as a whole is kept out of the deal." I look to Mimic.

"Of course, Overhaul. I'll have them out by tomorrow night and on the streets next week." Mimic checks something on a clipboard.

"Good." I look back at my desk as Mimic leaves the room.

   With the first of the products being sent out I can see how they really work. I'll sell them to low thugs and they can do the hard work for me. After they get the results on how the bullets work I'll get started on phase two. The final product. Small tweaks made here and there and Eri's power will have a good use.

   I was deep in thought when I heard small footsteps running down the hall. It had to be Eri. I walk to my door and see her running this way. I grab her arm, stopping her from moving.

"Where do you think you're going?" I lean towards her.

"S-stop p-please." Eri starts to cry.

"Stop crying, you'll only make a mess." I pull her back to her room.

"You've been very naughty. Running off like that. I think you deserve to be punished." I drag her.

"N-no please!" She whimpers.

"Once the sun rises I'm going to get another pack of bullets from you, since that seems to be the only thing you're good for." I toss her onto her bed.

"Don't let me find you even thinking about running off again or something bad will happen." I point to my gloves then slam her door.

"Chrono, I need you to come keep an eye on Eri. She tried to run again." I radio him.

"On my way, Overhaul." He says.

   I better start pushing the bullets out faster, Eri is getting too comfortable running away. Sooner I have the final product sooner I can mass produce them and be done with the brat. She's a pain that I can't wait to be done with.

   I need to blow off some steam. I'll take Katsukame with me to deal with the diseased. I'll break them down then put them back together just to let this anger go. Maybe I'll get a chance to run into the League of Villains tonight. They should be careful though, when I'm not in a good mood I like to get hands on with the problem.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! It was definitely shorter than normal but I wanted to push this out by today. This chapter was 1065 words long! <3

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