Chapter 19: A Good Start to the Sports Festival

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A/N: Sport festival time! Wooo! Also I want to know how you all think my writing is. I'm open to notes and tips so please leave any you have! Enjoy. <3

Izuku POV:

   I woke up around 4:00 am and went for a light run. I want to be entirely fit for today! I will do my best at the sports festival. When I got home I showered and got dressed. We had to leave earlier than normal to set up the arena and Nezu got breakfast for everyone.

"Izuku, we can handle everything from here! You can head to the gym and work out a bit before the festival or you can get some extra rest." Nezu says.

"Okay, thank you principal Nezu."

"No, thank you!" He smiles and waves as I walk back to the main building.

   I think I'm getting closer to everyone here. I decided to hit the gym after changing into my gym clothes. I work out for an hour, lifting weights, some yoga, and using the treadmill. After that I change back into my uniform and head to class.

"Hey Deku! Ready to lose to me?" Kacchan laughs.

"Psh, as if. Are you ready to take second place?" I laugh back.

"No way in hell am I losing!" He yells.

   We laugh and talk a bit as more students trickle into the classroom. We're walking to the stadium after Aizawa gave us our changing building number.

   I hear the crowd's cheers from inside the building. It's kind of nerve wracking but I can do this. I can show my worth as a hero. We all have to wear the same gym uniforms but I filled out the necessary forms so I could use Hatsumes gauntlets she fixed and a pair of knives. The knives are small though and had to meet regulations so I couldn't bring the ones I'm used to using.

   Slowly all the participants walk into the main area. I spot Shinso and Hatsume from afar. Then Midnight walks onto a small platform.

"Hello heroes and citizens, welcome to the annual UA sports festival, where our prestigious school lets our students fight to show their unrivaled strength! Let me break it down for ya a bit!" I hear Yamada's voice blare on the speakers. He explains how the selection works and what we're doing.

"I'll pass it on to Midnight!"

"Thank you, Present Mic, to start us off, let's hear from a representative student! Katsuki Bakugou!"

The crowd roars with excitement as Kacchan walks on stage.

"I just want to say, I'm going to win" he speaks into the microphone before walking off the platform.

   The crowd loved his 'speech', if you could call it that. Our fellow students however didn't find it nearly as entertaining. They all give our class glares. I'm starting to feel nervous again.

"All right! Let's see what our first competition is." Midnight points to a large screen behind her.

"Starting off strong with the obstacle course!" Midnight yells and the crowd goes crazy.

   I've seen the obstacle course before on TV, it's long and dangerous and different every time. This is going to be challenging but what I need to worry about is speed and my stamina. If I get worn out too soon I'll be useless in the second round. I can stand to play it safe this round.

"Alright then folks you heard the hero! It's time for the OBSTACLE COURSE! Let me fill you in and what our students will have to face." Yamada booms over the speakers. He goes into detail of what we will face, but it's obvious he skips some stuff. From what I'm told I start to formulate a plan.

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