Chapter 60: Hatsume's Plan!

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A/N: Time to introduce the last big plot point: the UA festival! I plan on having a lot of it go the same way, only changes being Eri's role, the fight with Gentle Criminal, and Shinso and Hatsume being more present. Until we get to all that stuff, please enjoy this chapter and leave notes!

(I might end the book after we get to like chapter 65 or 70 but idk yet, I'm just getting very burnt out.)


Hatsume POV:

We settled down for the last class of the day, and I was getting ready to clean up some of my babies when Power Loader told us about something that was coming up.

"It's the UA festival. This is a chance for you to show off some of your work but more importantly it's a time to relax as we get ready to end the term." Power Loader says.

When he was done talking I returned to my babies. If this festival can help me catch some eyes then it might be a good thing for me to work extra hard! My babies work great but I want to work on style a bit. The only stylish babies I've really made are the ones for my friends, and that's because I knew them. I need to make my designs more appealing to the general public and to consumers!

I know just the group to go to for style advice. I grab some of my inventions and a notebook then I head out of the workshop. I walk down the hall and start my way to class 1-A's dorm. If anyone will know what heroes want to wear then it will be heroes in training! I walk out of the main building and onto the sidewalk where I see Tsu and Uraraka talking. I wave at them and they start to head in my direction.

"Hey Hatsume! Whatcha you doing?" Uraraka waves.

"I was heading to your guy's dorms to talk about style changes I can make for my babies!" I smile.

"Ribbit, you want your inventions to look good for the festival, don't you?" Tsu asks.

"Yup!" I laugh.

"We wish we could help, but we're heading to some extra classes since we missed a bunch during our work studies. Ask Mina about it though, she loves fashion!" Uraraka smiles.

"Alright! I'll ask Mina and the rest of the class about what I should do to help my design appeal." I nod.

"See you later, Hatsume, ribbit." Tsu waves as she walks away with Uraraka.

I keep walking down the sidewalk by myself until I get to class 1-A's dorm and I knock on the door. I wait a moment before glasses and blue hair opens the door. I can never remember this kid's name...

"Oh, Hatsume! How nice it is to see you again. Is there something I can assist you with?" He asks.

"I wanted to ask your class some questions!" I smile.

"Right, most of us are in here, trying to figure out what to do for the festival. However, Izuku, Tokoyami, Uraraka, Kirishima, Tsu, and Shinso aren't here because they needed to take some classes." He nods.

"Okay! But everyone else is right?" I look at him, trying to remember what his name is.

"Yes, right in here." He says, showing me to the common area.

The dorm is just like mine but different. I guess all of us support course students kinda leave projects laying around the room so this hero dorm looks a lot cleaner and bigger. Maybe I make a baby to help with cleaning...

"Hey, Hatsume! What're you doing, girl?" Mina waves to me.

"I came to ask your class some questions about design for hero costumes and support items!" I smile.

"Design! How fun, here I come. I'm the fashion queen! So I know my way around the stylish does and don'ts!" Mina runs over to me.

"Right! I need a lot of opinions though so I can get the best idea of what most people might want." I open my notebook.

"Of course, of course! That makes sense." Mina smiles.

We sit around and talk for a good while before I figure out what I need to do. Everyone has very different styles so putting them all together would be ugly. When I mash a few small styles together I get a big style and if I mash many similar small styles then I get one good and general style. And while I wrote down my own ideas for the festival, class 1-A figured out what they would do.

I heard they were doing a concert and it doesn't sound half bad! Jiro can play a lot of instruments and everyone is open to learning. And it sounds like the rest of the class will be on the dance team, backing up all that music.

While the class discusses what else they can do, Izuku, Shinso, Kirishima, Uraraka, Tsu, and Tokoyami all come back from their extra classes.

"Hey guys, we finally finished our extra classes." Uraraka sighs.

"Yeah now we can really help." Izuku sloches.

"Perfect, the rest of the dance team!" Mina smiles.

"Wait, we still need someone to play bass." Jiro objects.

"I can play bass." Tokoyami steps forward.

"Really? This is great!" Yaoyorozu cheers.

"A- Hatsume, hey! What are you doing?" Izuku waves to me.

"Oh I was getting some notes on design changes I can make to my babies! In fact, if it's alright with your class, I would like to build something to help with your concert. Maybe something as part of the costumes or for the big finale!" I wave back.

"That sounds cool." Shinso nods.

"Maybe you and your new inventions should enter the beauty pageant. That's a good way to make sure everyone sees them, whether you win or not." Izuku smiles.

"Izuku, that's a great idea! I have to go get to work!" I jump up and hug him before darting out of the door.

"Bye Hatsume!" The class shouts as I run down the sidewalk.

Now I have the perfect idea for my babies! Class 1-A really are heroes. I should be able to have some new and redesigned babies ready in three or four days. This is my moment to go out there and be bold! I will get my babies to catch everyone's eyes!


3rd person POV:

Across town, a man sips calmly from his tea while looking at a computer screen. Next to him is a young woman, who types on the computer some sort of plan. In just a short amount of time the next Gentle Criminal video is up.

"Gentle! The video is up and people are already watching it." La Brava smiles.

"How wonderful. I hope with all this excitement people turn their eyes to our next act." The Gentle Criminal nods.

"I'm sure they will Gentle!" La Brava cheers.

The villains are preparing to perform their biggest job yet. Gentle Criminal and La Brava have high hopes about breaking into the highest security school in Japan, UA. They don't want to steal or hurt anyone or anything, they simply want to prove that it's possible and that the hero world isn't safe. To Gentle Criminal, this is about the performance.

"Let's get to work, La Brava!" Gentle Criminal laughs.

"Of course Gentle, let's go!" La Brava beams.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! It was 1267 words long.

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