Chapter 13: First day of UA

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A/N: TIME TO START TO THE SCHOOL YEAR! Wooooooooo!!! Anyways get ready for drama!!! Besides this is where Bakugo finds out deku is in the hero course and he has a family now. Reminder though, Bakugo is nicer than canon, so he never told Izuku to kill himself and only really attacked him when they were in elementary school. After that he sort of grew up and left Izuku behind. And for convenience Izuk will go by Izuku Yamada, because he doesn't want to worry about others seeing him as just the teacher's son. (Mic doesn't use his name during teaching) anyways ENJOY! <3

3rd person POV:

   Izuku, Shouta, and Hizashi woke up early. Today is the first day of school for UA and the teachers have to be there earlier than the students. While they tried to think of a way for Izuku to sleep in they decided it could be better if he gets there early instead of being home alone.  They could thank Shouta's paranoia for that.

   The group eats breakfast and gets ready for the day. Izuku puts on his new uniform and has quite the time trying to tie his tie. He gave it a 'good enough' but Hizashi ended up fixing it for him. Izuku grabbed his bright yellow backpack full of school supplies and went to the car.

   Hizashi and Shouta put on their hero costumes before entering the car. They each had back up clothes in the trunk in case they needed to swap into something casual. Just like that the family headed for UA.

   They made it an hour before classes started so Izuku helped his father set up the training equipment they would need for later. After he got done helping Shouta he went to help Hizashi practice his speech for the students. Thirty minutes passed and thirty more until Izuku would head to class.

   He did speak to some of the other teachers, like his aunt Nemuri and Snipe. He asked Snipe a lot of questions about weaponry, all of which Snipe was happy to answer. Another fifteen minutes pass.

"Only fifteen more minutes till your first school day starts! Are you excited Izu?" Hizashi asked from his desk in the teacher's lounge.

"Yep! I can't wait to meet my classmates." Izuku's smile brightens the entire room.

"You can get headed over to the classroom, if you want. I'll be there shortly." Shouta pipes up from his resting place on the couch.

"Okay! I'll do that." Izuku waves to the teachers.

"Bye Izu!!! If you don't make plans with other people, be sure to visit your auntie during lunch!" Nemuri yells across the room.

"Will do!" Izuku walks through the doorway and down the hall. He finds class 1-A and takes his seat.

'I wonder if Shinso has this class, I'd like to see him again.'

   After ten minutes students start to fill the class. First a young woman named Momo Yaoyorozu then another girl called Tsuyu Asui, who asked to be called Tsu. Then a few students came in. Mashirao Ojiro, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, and Mina Ashido all came in at once, speaking to each other.

   The seven students all come to know each other then more students file in. Tenya Iida introduces himself to everyone already in the room in a very proper manner. Eventually most of the students came in except a few. Then Eraserhead entered.

"Class starts in two minutes, prepare yourselves." Eraserhead spoke to the students before zipping himself up in his sleeping bag.

   The students waited for a moment before ignoring the teacher and resuming talking. Iida tried his best to stop the talking before the bell rang. The last few kids entered the room. Including Katsuki Bakugou.

   Bakugou looks around the room of talking teens and his eyes fall onto a certain green haired boy.

"Deku?" Bakugou grumbled

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