Chapter 22: Heroic end to the Sports Festival

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A/N: Pre-Final and final round in this chapter! The sports festival is almost over and some villains appear to have their eyes out for Izuku. Enjoy the chapter and as always, I appreciate notes and comments!

Izuku POV:

   I step onto the fighting area, ready to take down Kirishima. If I beat him I'll go on to face Kacchan.

   Not if, when! I can't second guess myself now. I will win. I hope...

"Ready...Set...FIGHT!" Midnight yells.

   I grip one of my knives and swing at Kirishima. He uses his quirk to defend himself. Good, my plan is working. I've got him on defense so he can't move normally. I go in for another light and fake slash. Slowly I started to push him back. But this might take longer than I thought.

"I'm untouchable like this! When you get done trying to cut through, let me know so I can beat you." He laughs, entirely unaware he's doing what I want. I keep slashing and swinging but he is only half way to the border.

"I'm done waiting!" He swings his arm at me. He's really strong in hardening but he's really slow too. So I dodge very easily.

   Crap, it didn't work. I couldn't just push him out. However I did weaken him a little bit. Mostly on his left arm. If I start attacking hard I could really break through then throw him out of bounds when he least expects it!

   We switch, Kirishima on offense and I'm on defense. I dodge his punches and charges fairly easily. He clearly makes a better shield than a solo fighter. Every time he swings with his left arm I use my knives to block, slowly digging into the rock hard skin that covers his arm.

   He starts to get tired of having to punch so he tries to run me out of the border. It clicks  in my head, I can forget the plan for now. He's charging right towards me planning to push me out. At the last second I jump over him and twist his left arm. I hear a pop but still throw him towards the border.

   He nearly goes out but steadies himself in time. His left arm looks dislocated, that must have been the popping sound. He grabs his shoulder before hardening again. Looks like he didn't learn his lesson from last time and he charges towards me again. He's covered in sweat and I see him breaking apart. The battle lasted so long that he's starting to over use his quirk.

   I take advantage of his ignorance and pull nearly the same move again. This time I avoid his arms and grab his right leg and swing him out of bounds.

"MATCH SET, IZUKU YAMADA WINS!" Midnight yells to the crowd, but at this point I've blocked the audience out. They keep getting in my head. I don't need that.

"Good fight Izubro!" Kirishima walks over to me still holding his shoulder.

"You too! You fight so manly." I smile.

"I-thanks!!! You're super manly too!" He tears up a bit.

"You should head to Recovery Girl and get your self healed up, okay?"

"Y-yeah then we can have another manly battle once we head back to class!" He pumps a fist in the air, which he immediately regrets.

"Our final round will start in fifteen minutes!" Yamada says over the speakers.

I need to get ready to face Bakugou.

Stain POV:

   I had just left the Hosu area when I stopped to hear people talking about a quirkless hero using knives and gauntlets to fight. They called him Izuku Yamada and after enough listening I found out he's a UA student. That's when I decided to look into him.

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