Chapter Nineteen

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TW: mentions of Suicidal Ideation (TW section will be marked with {TW} before section begins and {E} after section ends.)

"Nothing to concern yourself with." Edward said with a smile and turned up the TV where George Bailey was busy flirting with a girl over a candy counter. How I hadn't realized we made it that far into the movie already I didn't know.

"No Edward, don't lie to me." I sat up, placing the bowl of popcorn that was in my lap on the coffee table in front of me.

"Alice's visions are never the only path we can go on, this was just a variant it's fine." He said dismissively, turning the television up another few notches, only because he knew the louder it was the less I could focus. I could tell he was lying to me, I wasn't sure how I could tell, but I could tell.

"Edward." I said his voice with such intensity it shocked even me. I was gripping his arm now, my eyes deadest and my brow furrowed. He turned his gaze to me, shocked, and I looked him dead in the eye as I set my jaw. "Tell me. What. Is going. On." I spoke each word with conviction, I was tired of secrets and not knowing the whole truth.

"Alice had a vision about you being in danger. Someone, our kind, is coming, they are angry with you and we aren't sure why." The words seemed to fall from his mouth despite the look in his eyes telling me he didn't want to say what he was saying. "We had been going through possibilities as to what this could mean and what we could do to avoid them but none are working. She is coming."

My hand shot up to my mouth in shock, releasing my grip on him and at that exact moment his face changed to a look of confusion and shock. "How did you do that?" Jasper's voice spoke from behind me, scaring me as I didn't realize he and Alice were still there.

"How did I do what?" I flipped my gaze to Jasper, who sat bewildered on the edge of the couch.

"Do you... do you really not know what you just did?" He stood up and walked over to Edward, setting his hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes with pure concern.

"Ara," Edward's voice spoke slightly broken, as he tore his eyes from Jasper and looked at me. "I couldn't stop myself from saying what I said. I had no control over it." I jumped up from the couch horrified, my mind racing as to what any of this could mean. I didn't want to be different, I just wanted to be a normal human, and yeah it was always going to be different now that I knew about the hidden world- but I didn't have to change.

"What." My voice broke as I backed away from him. I felt Alice's cool hands grip my arms.

"Ara, calm down, nobody is mad, we are just confused." Her tone was serious, and suddenly the rest of the Cullen's were in the room. Carlisle's face looked concerned but excited about the unknown as he looked at me. Esme had a face full of sympathy, and Emmett and Rose just looked confused. I could feel my legs becoming shaky as the anxiety set in, the pure undiluted fear and the confusion placing my mind into shackles. It soon became evident that the only thing stopping me from hitting the floor was Alice's hands. My legs had gone numb and my mind still reeled, the Cullen's blurring around me and somehow I was on the couch again laying on my side. I was unable to move as the hooks of anxiety sunk deeper into my existence, but Jasper was at my side, his hand directly on my temple, I could feel the effects but they wouldn't stick. I was trapped in my own mind. Eventually the world faded and I fell asleep, no doubt the effect of Jasper's efforts to calm me.

When I woke again I was laying on my back, and Carlisle's face hovered over me, a pen flashlight balanced delicately between his long pale fingers. "Welcome back." He smiled his infectious smile. Panic raked through my body again like a series of knives.

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