Chapter Sixty One

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When Dad finally woke up, and stayed awake, I felt like I could breathe again. I had also received a flurry of texts from Jake and Gi detailing the apparently lively birthday party of Seth Clearwater. It was amazing what you could miss during a depression spiral, even something like two new members of the pack transforming. The "Wolf & Co." group chat now had a new member to it, and Seth was freaking out.

Edward was out of cell range at the moment, having gone to hunt with Emmett. Meanwhile, I sat on my bed still in my pajamas, Maddie sleeping soundly beside me. I scrolled endlessly on my phone, still searching for the will to get out of bed. Dad still wasn't going to come home from the hospital for a few days, but now that he was out of the woods I didn't spend my every waking moment there. He wouldn't let me. Dad was so angry after he woke up, finding out that I was spending my summer stuffed in his hospital room. He sent me away immediately, told me to go make memories and visit him with stories to tell. I wasn't even entirely sure what day it was anymore, let alone how much time I had left to create stories for him.

"Can't really tell you my stories, Dad." I mumbled under my breath as I finally pushed myself from the bed and pat Maddie on her head. "Let's get breakfast girl." Those words ignited her to life because suddenly she was hurtling out of my room to race me down to the kitchen. I smiled and shoved my phone into the waistband of my leggings. At least one thing remained the same, Maddie being a food hound through and through.

Once I made it into the kitchen, I quickly filled the food bowl and started the coffee machine. With a soft inhale, I stared at where dad usually sat in the mornings. A deep frown settled into my face, and I quickly walked out of the kitchen, straight to the sound system that sat on a bookshelf in the living room. Grabbing a random cd, I popped the disk in and cranked the volume to full blast. As the sound filled the house and slowly drowned out the anxiety that was pecking at my brain, the smell of coffee began to kick the last dredges of sleep from my body.

The cd, I realized slowly as I rounded the corner back into the kitchen, was one of the mixes we would bring on road trips. Bon Jovi filled the house, and suddenly I was transported back to being a kid. If dad couldn't be here physically, he would be here in essence. I poured my coffee and stared into the fridge for several minutes before deciding on eggs and bacon for breakfast. Maddie munched happily, the bacon sizzled in the pan, my coffee maker gave another gurgle, and the music switched to Queen. Even if life wasn't truly good, the morning sun that dazzled through the window sure gave it the appearance of being so.

I dumped all the food onto my plate and sat down at the table, slowly eating as the music thumped in the hollows of my brain. Maddie gave a soft grumbling growl as she continued to chomp on her food, sounding like she was scolding me. "Oh goodness what?" I asked as I shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth, suddenly wanting toast as well. "Is the food not to your liking princess?" I spun in my seat and nearly died of a heart attack. Edward stood in the doorway with a small smile resting on his lips. "JESUS!" I covered my heart and sat back in the chair.

"Good Morning." Edward chuckled, disappearing for a second into the living room to turn the music down before returning to the kitchen doorway. It wasn't until then did I realize just how loud the music was. "We were going for permanent hearing damage this morning apparently, huh?"

"Smartass." I mumbled, standing up to make some toast. "You're back early." I smiled as I dropped the slices of bread into the toaster.

"Nope, it's Wednesday." Edward's brow laced together with either worry or confusion.

"Oh!" I blinked in shock. "I thought it was Tuesday."

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked, the tell tale sign of concern played in his voice. I knew he was thinking about my incident from a week or so ago, and I winced a little thinking about it myself.

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