Chapter Thirty Four

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I sat alone in my room, all of my new school clothes piled around me. My FaceTime tone began chiming, and Gaia's contact photo popped up on my screen. The moment I answered I was met with the image of two outfits laid out.

"I'm going on a date! Which one! Quick!!" Her panic was evident, and her dilemma was true, because I was staring at two of her favorite outfits. "Should I look like a fairy that just came out of the woods for the first time in a thousand years or a water dryad that has only a mild disdain for humans?"

I immediately understood the dilemma, and came up with a solution. "Which outfit will you put your hair up for? It's hot out today and your hair is too thick to leave it down. You hate it when your neck is sweaty."

"Oh my god you're right." She grabbed at the outfit she referenced as the fairy, then flipped the camera and smiled brightly. "You're a godsend, do you want to stay on FaceTime with me while I do my makeup and hair?"

"Absolutely! I'm just preparing my back to school stuff."

"We have two weeks until we go back?"

"Yeah I know! This should have been done a month ago!" I set my phone down against one of my bedposts, then began sorting and pulling tags.

"Stop being such a Virgo." Gaia teased as she placed her own phone down before stepping out of view to change her clothes. "But at the same time, don't forget to pack your emergency kit. You were a lifesaver last year for me."

"Same tampons and pads?" I asked as I grabbed the little bag I kept in the bottom of my book bag.

"Yes! And if you still have your midol that would be great too, I don't understand why the nurse won't give us ibuprofen for cramps." I could hear the eye roll in her voice as she spoke.

"Because that one kid didn't know she was allergic!" I started to assemble the emergency kit.

"It still just doesn't make sense to me." She huffed and entered the view of the camera again. She looked absolutely stunning, and was in the act of braiding her long hair back. The green she had placed in her hair months ago had been touched up and now intertwined in the braid with her natural brown.

"So... who's the date with?" I raised my eyebrows and smirked at the camera as I shoved the now finished first aid kit into the bottom of my bookbag.

"Well... you see..." Gaia's face blushed hard as he finished off her hair and began her makeup. "It may or may not be with one of the guys from the Rez."

"Oh my god who!" I sat up quickly, immediately running through all the age appropriate options.


I froze, fear filling my heart as I considered the idea of my best friend entering the world I had only just partially escaped. Another part of me became hopeful that I would no longer have to keep that secret from her. I was caught in the dilemma but all the while Gaia waited for a reaction. I pulled myself together externally for the sake of my friend, and gave a huge smile. "I had no idea you liked each other!" This was true, never once had Paul mentioned he even knew Gaia, let alone that he had feelings for her.

"So we met at that bonfire you took me to, the one for Father's Day." She smiled sweetly. The Black's always held one large fathers day celebration, Gaia had gotten to know Jake in the months preceding the event, and it felt only natural to invite her. I hadn't paid close attention to who Gaia was speaking to, we were in safe company after all; though of course she would find the danger in the safety. Gaia continued with her explanation as she blended the concealer in. "At first I wasn't really drawn to him, he kinda threw me off, but when I went to get my phone from the car, he walked me. I know he's not exactly my age, but I really like him."

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