Chapter Sixty Five

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Thanksgiving was always a beast, but when dad insisted on the Cullens being present I felt like a half drowned cat. I was shaking with nerves and kept asking if they were sure they could go through with it. "Of course we can Ara!" Esme said with a genuine smile.

"But you guys don't even eat!" I whined as she fluttered like a bird around the kitchen, she had set out to cultivate a recipe she vaguely remembered from her human years. Esme had claimed it was a very old family recipe for bread pudding that they always made this time of year.

"We can eat, sweetheart, and don't you worry!" She smiled even brighter, her entire face warming with the expression.

"Thanksgiving is a family event, and I am so grateful that your father is willing to consider us part of the family."

"Gaia's family is going to be there too. It's basically a town get together." I mumbled. "The pack will also be there. Might as well put out a beacon for all the supernatural in town."

"Is your dining room big enough for such an occasion?" Her eyes widened as she also took to her notepad, writing down new measurements to adjust for the extra guests.
"It's more a come and go as you please type of thing. Charlie will be there but he will have to work, so will Gaia's mom, and then of course the pack has their own thing they do this time of year, they just always stop in and grab some turkey." I shrugged.

"That sounds lovely!" Esme was practically glowing at this information.

"Yeah, we used to do it every holiday when mom was alive, hell when Renee and Bella lived here we would host a bonfire like that every other week in the summer." The fond memories filled my body with a warm feeling. Slowly that warm feeling crept away as I cast my eyes out the kitchen door towards the rooms beyond. "Do you think Beatrice would be... ready for something like this?" She hadn't seemed very excited about the first holiday season since joining the Cullens, but I couldn't help but wonder if there were some crazy traditions that I had missed out on that she may remember.

"I think it is a very real possibility." Esme nodded. "She would probably benefit from jumping into the holidays to try to fall back in with the humans." She placed an ice cold hand over mine and gave a reassuring smile. "Once this test recipe is done would you mind trying it dear? Unfortunately I think all human food tastes the same now."

"Of course I'll try it!" I smiled brightly as I watched her continue to flit around the kitchen. I tried imagining Esme as a human, the doting mother was a role that seemed to fit her so perfectly. As I sat admiring her, I felt cool but familiar fingers sweeping my hair around to one side, a gentle kiss pressing to my cheek. My face involuntarily spread into a smile as I turned to look at Edward.

"Esme, would you mind if I stole Ara away for a bit?" Edward asked as he straightened and looked at his adoptive mother.

"Go ahead, I will bring you a serving to try when it's ready dear." Esme smiled and shooed us away. Edward twisted his fingers in mine as I hopped from the barstool, slowly walking with him towards the living room.

"I was thinking you could use a movie night." Edward hummed in my ear, gesturing to the couch, which had been draped with  blankets and layered with comfy pillows. When I looked toward the television I was met with the image of the opening scene of Anastasia, paused just before it began.

"I love you." I shook my head, a smile spreading infectiously across my face. "Like so much." I turned and wrapped my arms around him, planting a kiss happily upon his face. He laughed and swept me up, depositing me on the couch like he was dumping a laundry basket. "RUDE!" I laughed and righted myself, now surrounded by the warm plush throw blankets and pillows.

"Shhh, the movie is about to begin." He jumped onto the couch beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pressing play on the remote. I snuggled down into his arms and felt my chest swell from excitement.


Thanksgiving was here, the house smelled absolutely delicious, and joy and general party spirit seemed to fill every corner. A laugh burst from me as I came around the corner of the kitchen and witnessed my dad actively wrestling with the raw turkey. Three fresh pies sat steaming on the counter, being the source of such an amazing aroma, and my dad wore my apron. It was one I had gotten in junior high, pink ruffles accented the edges and zebra print polished off the image.

"Quit laughing and help your poor father!" He grunted as the bird slipped from his hand and splashed back into the sink where he had been removing the giblets.

"Why did you get the father of all turkeys? We could have just made two." I laughed as I rolled my sleeves up and wandered closer.
"Because one turkey takes less time than two."

"We have the Nesco." I reminded him, pulling our roasting pan closer. "Is Godzilla even going to fit in the oven?"

"I measured!" He huffed as he heaved the bird up and over into the pan.

"Did you really pull the tape out and measure the oven?" I laughed as I scooched the pan back to the center of the counter. Sophie had finally risen from slumber and now sat expectantly staring as she gazed at the uncooked meat. "No!" I scolded as I began washing my hands off in the sink, as well as rinsing the sink out. "Quit your begging." She continued to stare with her big dumb and adorable eyes, and I nearly caved when a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in!" Dad called as he began slathering the bird in butter and spice. I glanced out the kitchen window and took in Edward's car where it sat in the drive. Seconds later, with a chilly blast of the rainy thanksgiving morning air, Edward stepped in bundled against the rain and cold like it bothered him or something.

"Esme sent us to help, said you could use some extra hands."

"Us?" I glanced around again and found Beatrice shuffling in behind him, a sheepish smile on her face.

"Of course! The more the merrier!" Dad said with a grin like he wasn't elbow deep in the largest turkey on the face of the planet.
Edward grinned as he shed his coat and scarf, hanging it on his usual hook. "She figured you might not mind the reinforcements since it's such a large meal, she's been baking up a storm as well."

"Oh I hope she isn't putting herself out." I said as I dried my hands and walked over to Edward.

"Please, Esme lives for this kind of occasion." He leaned down and pecked a kiss on my cheek. "And Beatrice wanted to be around for the occasion as well." He laced his fingers in mine as he smiled at me.

"I will gladly accept a little help keeping this man in line when it comes to cooking." I threw an accusatory thumb over my shoulder as I smiled. At the exact same time I heard a sharp curse and as I spun I witnessed my father, the man's man he was in my zebra apron, actively wrestling with a foiled bird to fit it in the oven. This holiday is gonna need a miracle to be pulled off. I smirked at Edward as I shook my head. Help him.

"Wait! Mr.Jacks let me help you." Edward laughed lightly as we stepped forward and grabbed the oven mit. "The rack is too high, the bird will never fit like this."

"Thank you." Dad huffed, backing away with the roasting pan still in his arms. "And please, call me Derek, after everything this year." My heart swelled as Edward looked back with a smile.

"Okay Derek." He seemed to warm slightly in overall mood. "Let's try this again, shall we?"

"Let's leave them to that." I laughed and hooked my arm in Beatrice's. "I've got to give you the breakdown on who everyone is."

"Everyone?" Beatrice hissed as we started to walk towards my room. "I thought I knew all of the pack."

"It's more than just the pack coming." I smiled. "Gi, her parents, Sam, Leah, Seth, Paul, Jake, Billy, and that's just the first wave." I smiled. "Then Charlie, Jared, Jake and Billy again but with the twins, then a few neighbors."

"Wow." She huffed as we took to the stairs.

I smiled and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as I heard the heartfelt sound of laughter and talking drift from the kitchen. "It's okay. You've got this. I believe in you."

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