Chapter Seven

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After the break in, my father insisted on not letting me stay home by myself. But seeing as he couldn't stay with me I got to ask Gaia to skip school a couple days, but she couldn't do it every day seeing as she was in the school, still fixing a few pages of layout that wouldn't match up, so Jake stayed with me on a few days. But today was a particularly sunny day, and I had nobody to sit inside with me and hate the sun. So instead I was forced to lay in my bed and think about all my life decisions that led me to staring at the sun that glittered and sparked and broke into a million pieces as it weaved through so glittery tulle in the upper left hand corner of my bedpost. The light sparkling got so much more intense I thought my irises had shattered and I was getting some form of double vision, but when I looked up I just saw Edward standing there in the light that beamed through, Maddie gave a small growl. "Immobulus," I commanded to Maddie, getting a strange look from Edward. "She's a police dog that doesn't know English commands only German, but I struggle to say anything in German so I had to teach her my own commands that weren't English. So they are all Harry Potter spells." I smiled sheepishly and pat the top of her head once she laid back down and gently set it next to my hip. Edward chuckled lightly and shook his head. "What!?" I said defensively, holding my ribs gingerly in my hand.

"Noting, just that that's quite possibly the most adorably nerdy thing I've heard in all my years." He smiled at me with those damn perfect teeth and I just froze.

Ooooooooo shiiiiit..... fuck fuckfuckfickdikcidjdbjahfakagwhoa

"You alright there?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"Mmmmhmmmm." The feeling that my thoughts weren't safe from his lingering mind crushed in faster than Eminem's verse "back to reality, Ope there goes gravity." I imagine that had also become evident on my face as Edward moved closer and sat on the ottoman at the end of my bed. "Wait, why aren't you in school?" I thought for a moment, then I remembered the glittery explosion across my ceiling and shook my head. "Nope don't answer that- stupid question I'm aware... like cripplingly so."

"It was a completely valid question, don't be hard on yourself." He shook his head. "Besides I wanted to check on you because I figured nobody would be able to stay in today, and Jessica has been insufferable ever since everything happened. But Carlisle said you should be able to return to school next week, you'll still be sore but properly healed."

"Yeah I wouldn't mind one less day here. Even though it's been quiet since the break in."

"Wait, break in?" Edward looked shocked, and I savored that. I imagine he wasn't shocked often since he learned his uncanny ability to know everything in the room.

"Yeah, Maddie protected me, but some drug addict broke in here looking for money and he found me and a police dog instead." I did what should have been a shoulder shrug but just looked like someone poked me in the side. "I'm obviously okay though." I said with a tiny laugh, I was still very sore but it was true, my body hurt less, I was just exhausted.

"So what do you do being stuck in here all day?" He seemed satisfied with my ability to protect myself and had moved on to the fact that I had definitely been confined to my bed for weeks on end now.

"Mostly just watch Netflix, read, scream into the void. Ya know, the usual." I laughed and shrugged my odd little shoulder shimmy again. After a while of talking we settled on watching a movie, and after a bit of pursuing I settled on the idea of watching Breakfast at Tiffany's. Edward popped it in and then settled in next to me after Maddie had jumped up to go eat some of her food down in the kitchen. My excitement for this movie was barely containable and I just kept smiling, earning a long steady studying gaze from Edward. "I don't like many classics but what I do like is Breakfast at Tiffany's."

"Audrey Hepburn was an extraordinary woman, and an amazing card player." At that point I gasped so hard I was afraid I might break my ribs out.

"You knew ThE QuEeN OF ThE FIfTieS!"

"I mean I knew her in passing and we did have one night that we played cards together, but not like her and I were close friends." He said it so nonchalantly that I just couldn't handle it and I exploded with shock.

"Wait, so is it true that she hates danishes! Because my mom use to tell me that every time we watched this movie together, and I just can't relate because cheese danish and cherry danish are both gifts of god- and I've found it fascinating!" In that moment of rawness, of pure excitement, I found myself gripping his arm gently with pure enthusiasm, but as I became aware my chest clenched and heat flooded my entire face as I let go slowly and pushed hair behind my ear. "Sorry. I just get really hype for danishes."

"No it's fine," he said with a slight chuckle in his voice. "It was kinda amazing to hear how your thoughts and your words were so coherently the same. Truly every fiber of your consciousness had fixated on the wonders of danishes. That's not a quality I find in many. If any at all."

"I guess I never thought about how some people's thoughts and words don't match. Well.... I guess I have but more out of doubt than genuine curiosity." I raised my brow and continued looking at his amused face. He seemed to enjoy my focus on the subject at hand, like he could trust my words because he knew they were true.


I woke up and the credits of Breakfast At Tiffany's we're playing, and my head was resting on a cold and hard surface. It took only a moment to realize it was Edward's shoulder, and when I jerked up suddenly he gave me a small smile.

"Uhm... wow... sorry." I felt flustered but was too sore to move much further than sitting up straight.

"Don't be, honestly, it's not a big deal. You're still healing and that takes a toll on the body." He straightened himself as well and turned more towards me. "I'll let you go to sleep for real." He gave me a quick smile and stood, swiftly removing the disk and placing it back on its shelf carefully. "You have an amazing eye for decoration." He gave a small smile as his eyes dusted quickly over everything in my room. "The truest form of your personality is showing and it's magnificent." And with those words, he was gone, I was alone, and Maddie was hella confused and whipping her head around to all corners of the room as she laid at the foot of my bed making the covers warm in that spot.

Edward Cullen was an enigma with fire at his center that I couldn't help but want to play with.

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