Chapter Eight

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The day before my return, Gaia had already talked to the school about being my designated book carrier. She had also insisted it was going to be productive towards the yearbook since I was a "freelancing consultant on the most important project to define the school year for every senior at Forks High." Somehow she managed to convince them, she said it was her magnificent negotiating but I think it's because she broke down crying and talked about how she worried about both her and I's mental health after what I just went through and she was the only person I would talk to about it. So whether it be negotiations or mental breakdowns we will never know for sure. But nonetheless I stood in my room holding a single crutch in my hand for stability, seeing as I was able to put weight on my leg, just not able to maintain that weight. I was hobbling about grabbing text books and tossing them onto my bed, unfortunately this method has ever failed me and one did that thing where it likes to bounce and do a flip only to land with a hard thump on the floor three feet away from its original destination. With a soft groan I waddled my way over to the book, crouching in an excruciating manner that brought sweat to my forehead and shortness of breath my lungs, grabbing the book and as I came back up just crashing my entire ass down into the window seat where the sun shone through in brilliant rays making my hair glow a fiery orange shine and warming my skin. I hadn't even thrown on my flannel yet, I was only wearing jeans, because the stitches were finally gone, and a gray spaghetti strap tank top, the red flannel sat across my room folded neatly atop the white IKEA dresser that I had fitted with bougie looking crystal handles. There was a tap on the window behind me, and when I turned to inspect I found Edward gripping to the side with his hood drawn up and a smile upon his face. Pulling the window open and allowing him to climb in only brought more sweat to my forehead and throbbing pain in my side.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a curious light in his eyes.

"Mmhmm." I nodded as I held my side, my history book still clutched in my hands. "Learning my limits." I muttered as I looked at him with my brow furrowed. "Wait it's super sunny out, you aren't coming to school today are you?" I felt disappointed but I would be damned if I let that show on my face let alone my mind.

"The clouds have already started to take it out, I'll be in today, the school in a complete lack of sunlight or warmth anyways." He chuckled lightly and grabbed my book. Standing and placing it on my bed with the others. He then began placing them in my blue Jansport bag that had sunflowers spread across it. "Do you need a ride to school?" He asked as the final book slid in beside my notebook.

"I was just going to take the bus." I shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"You can't even carry one book at a time. How are you supposed to get them all the way down the stairs and out the door and then back up some slippery bus steps?" I understood his rational reasoning but did not respect it in my own stubborn way.

"Well I didn't ask to be attacked like that." I said with sarcasm and sass taking turns with my syllables.

"Bed rest made you sassy." He laughed and threw the book bag over his shoulder. "I take it you want the black and white converse today?" He asked patiently, waiting for my nod to confirm my thoughts. In one quick motion he had them in his hands and then was sliding them over my sock covered feet and tying off the laces gently.

"You really know how to make a girl feel like a modern Cinderella." I laughed and pushed my bangs that had fallen forward behind my ear. "Thanks." After he backed away I took hold of the crutch and pushed myself up off the bench. In that moment I heard my father walking up the stairs, Edward clearly had as well, and in a flash was hidden behind my door.

"Hey Ara." He said as the door came open. "Oh! You've got your shoes on already! Proud kiddo." My father smiled at me and leaned against my doorframe. He was already dressed for work completely decked out in his service uniform and everything. "Did you need a ride? Or help getting down the stairs?" He looked concerned and then I noticed the leash in his hands.

"You're worried because you're leaving now and Maddie is going back on job today. Aren't you." I smiled softly at my dad and began to walk over to him, as composed as I could be physically. "I'll be fine, I have a friend from school picking me up and Gaia will be with me all day and then I'll even have her come home with me and make sure I get settled in, we have to study for the history test anyways."

"Okay, just... just wanted to make sure you were set. I'll see you tonight- how about burgers and fries from Donnie's?" With an enthusiastic nod from me, my father smiled and turned around, walking away. I stood frozen in place until I heard two sharp German commands and then the front door opened and subsequently shut.

Edward had stepped out from behind my door and smiled at me. "He really cares about you." He stepped towards my window as my father pulled away in the squad car and left me alone in the house once again. "Do you need help down the stairs?" He asked patiently, and with a quick shake of the head from me, he climbed out my window and slid it shut, dropping down and taking my bag to his car. I made with as much haste as I could, grabbing the flannel off my dresser as well as the necklace my father gave me for my 13th birthday that had once been my mother's. Making my way to the stairs was daunting, but not nearly as daunting as actually getting down them. After lots of struggle I found myself in the kitchen plucking my packed lunch from the night before out of the fridge, and an orange from the fruit bowl.

To the door, grab the keys, and I'm out. I was finally standing on the front porch, independently. With only a single crutch to break my fall. I made it down the three steps and across the pathway, the brisk autumn air having finally kicked in, and the smell of Halloween just around the corner. Edward held open my door and I climbed into the silver Volvo that cost more than all of the books contained in the four walls of my room at that moment.

With the crutch placed in the backseat and my lunch now jammed into my book bag, we were off. When I say off, I mean I didn't realize cars drove that fast. My heart felt like it would pound out of my chest, my eyes took in everything I could see, and my nerves were jumping end on end like electric. It was pure adrenaline, something I hadn't gotten to have in the last couple weeks, and even as the sun was tucked away behind the ever present blanket Forks seemed to reside under, the warmth I felt covering my body made me smile brighter than any star.


Howdy! I haven't said anything to y'all which is really strange of me, because normally I have little notes at the end of chapters, but anywho. I just wanted to establish what a timeline would be in this because I don't think I've made it clear enough and it's too late to go back and add one in.

The Cullen's started school in the first quarter, specifically late August (going off of school starting August 15ish) so they already know how the classes work which is why Arabella uses "always" as a term since they had been back for a couple weeks at this point. When she goes to the hospital the second time it is the beginning of September. She spends 3 weeks on bed rest and now it is the first week of October, meaning Halloween is coming up! I'm going to try to keep it all as close to the real dates as I can for now, but I work a full time job and have a significant amount of events to go to in my personal life at this moment. So please bear with me ♥️ thank you so much for reading and tolerating any awful grammar and spelling I may subject you to. Enjoy and I'll see you next time I feel like I'm being confusing ♥️😂 -ashley

9/13/21- Hi! I thought I would just put this here at the bottom of an old authors note. Im sorry for any mistakes I may have made with my grammar, I am very dyslexic and am doing some quick editing of all currently published chapters but I do ask that you bear with me as I am only human and dont mean to make these mistakes, the laws of english appear to allude me, I did think I was amazing at it until my best friend who is also an english major pointed out that that is, in fact, not true. ANYWAYS... enjoy? Thanks- Ashley

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