Chapter Fifty Eight

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"You always deserve to be validated." Edward murmured as he brushed his hand through my hair. My arms were still wrapped around him and everything seemed to be falling into place. He held me for a few more minutes before we climbed into the jeep again.

"So... Beatrice." I sighed, still overwhelmed from the day before.

"What about her?" Edward asked as he turned in his seat and watched me struggle to buckle myself into the harness in the low light.

"What is everyone... DAMN IT!" I dropped the buckle I was fumbling and looked at Edward defeated. "Help." My voice came out small and pitiful as I pouted and gave my best puppy dog eyes.

Edward laughed and reached forward, buckling them with ease. "Alice is curious but excited, Jasper is conflicted but mostly wary because they were created by the same vampire for the same purpose."

"Wait really?" All the information I had heard last night never really processed in my mind, and I couldn't even be one hundred percent certain that this was something I had learned regardless.

"Yes ma'am." Edward nodded grimly, seeming to want to move on from the subject. He had the face I recognized as him knowing the more intimate details due to his knowledge of thoughts rather than what someone actually divulged. "Esme and Carlilse are Esme and Carlilse, they are willing to accept her with open and eager arms so long as she sticks to the diet." Edward always smiled when he talked about his adoptive parents, and I couldn't help but smile alongside him.

"What about Rose and Emmett?" I asked nervously, fully aware of how Rose was towards strangers.

"Emmett is himself as always, I think he is more excited about the fact that Beatrice may be an equal match in skill to Jasper, so he has another sparring partner." Edward rolled his eyes, like he could hear Emmett's thoughts by just thinking about it. "As for Rose, she is more worried about you than she is about the family. She hasn't landed on a specific concern but she doesn't want Beatrice anywhere near you, especially alone."

I nodded as I listened to him relay the information. "And you?"

"To say I agree with Rose brings me more pain than I expected... but I agree with Rose." He grimaced slightly, like it physically hurt to agree with his eldest sister. After the look left his face, he looked me dead in the eyes. "What about you?"

"Apprehensive to say the least. I don't even know how I am supposed to talk to her. How am I just supposed to build a relationship with someone who knows more about my history than I do?" I shook my head, suddenly wishing I could just pull out my phone and mindlessly scroll instead of face the issue. "I don't know how to be a sister, let alone a good one."

"I don't think she knows either." Edward leveled, his tone making me drop my gaze.

I sighed and bit the inside of my lip as I mulled over the statement. With another sigh, I pulled my eyes up from where they rested on my hands so that I could look Edward in the eyes once more. "Fair... but I don't even know how I am supposed to get to know her, it's not like I have her number or anything."

Edward smiled lightly, likely seeing the end of our conversation coming as my mind turned away from the topic. "Surely that issue can be rectified."

"Where is my phone anyway?" I started looking around, knowing this was the last place I had it before the game. I had realized at some point I didn't have it, but the game moved so fast I didn't want to spare a second looking for the device. "Found it!" I proclaimed as I spotted my phone in the cup holder. "Oh it's dead." I frowned as I clicked the button a few times and received the dead symbol. Before I could even ask for it, Edward held up the charger with a smile. "Thank you!" I grinned, plugged my phone in, and dropped it back into the cup holder. Edward laughed as I wiggled in the seat to make myself comfortable for the ride. Then, promptly starting the jeep, Edward began to drive us out of the woods.

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