Chapter Twenty Two

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I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but when I woke up it was a little too bright out to be 6am. Opening my eyes bewildered I felt Edward's arms instinctively tighten around me. He's still here?

"You're finally awake?" He asked warily.

"Yeah? What do you mean finally?" I reached for my phone and saw the time was 10am. "WHAT! Why didn't you wake me up! I'm late! We're late!" I pushed against him as I attempted to get up, but his arms never moved.

"I tried to wake you up, you were dead to the world, absolutely reluctant." He sounded amused, as if replaying the memory in his head. "I knew you would be getting up in a few hours anyways."

I gave up on the reasoning, I felt well rested anyways and hadn't felt like dealing with school. "Has my dad come home?" I mumbled, sitting up as Edward finally let go of me.

"No, I checked the news and Sam is still reported as missing." He clarified for me, his hand tracing circles on my back.

"He's been out all night?" I looked at him with great concern. "I'm going to go down to the reservation, see what I can do." I looked down at my clothes, I was still wearing the warm hiking gear from the night before but it was completely wrinkled from my time in bed.

"Ara please-"

"We aren't doing this, I meant what I said. My life was happening before you came into town, and it will continue to happen if you leave without me." I felt too drowsy to articulate my exact meaning, and instead just began to dig through the closet looking for my clothes.
"I'm not leaving?" He seemed confused by my words, so as I pulled my gray long sleeve shirt out I gave him an exasperated sigh.

"Edward, don't think I'm diluting myself into thinking you'll be here forever. You don't age and I do. We might get a few good years, but that's it. You can only pretend that Carlisle is getting plastic surgery and Botox for so long before they all don't believe he's that lucky." By the time I was done with my reasoning I was also done grabbing my clothes. My hair was still straight from the previous night, but I also still had makeup crusted to my face. "All of that is besides the point. Now I'm going to get ready, it's up to you if you drive me to the reservation or I call for a ride." I didn't wait for his answer however; I had things to do and people to see.

While I washed my face I texted Leah, still no update. Once my old makeup was washed off, I opted for just mascara and a little eyeliner, maybe some chapstick too. I threw my clothes on and finished the outfit off with a thick knit beanie and then walked back to my bedroom. "I can't drive you to the reservation Ara..." Edward sounded almost disappointed he couldn't do it.

"Drive me to the police station then. Maddie is there anyways." I raised my brow as I looked at him, reaching into my closet again and pulling out a thicker flannel and my winter coat.

"Uh... yeah... okay." He left to get his car, allowing me to make myself coffee in the kitchen and pour Maddie's food for whenever she got home. It worried me that my dad had been out all night, that he may have been searching the entire Olympic Peninsula and still never found Sam. Once my coffee was poured I heard Edward pull up. I shot a quick text to Charlie that I was going to be at the station and wanted a ride to the reservation. He didn't seem ecstatic that I was skipping school, but couldn't argue with the fact that Leah needed me now. I snagged my coffee cup up, grabbed my keys, and out the door. Edward's car was already toasty warm when I climbed into it, which was surprising considering how little time it took him to turn it on and start driving.

I had never seen Edward drive this slow, he actually did the speed limit, I mean perfectly the speed limit, not a hair above or below. I knew it was because he was hesitant to let me go, down right reluctantly really. "Ara do you really have to do this?" He asked at a stoplight that we had never gotten caught at before.
"If I was missing you would want everyone searching for me? Right? That's what I'm doing. I'm doing MY part, not anyone else's." I clarified, drinking my coffee after speaking. I was still too tired for this.

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