Chapter One

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"Arabella Jacks?"

"Present!" I raised my hand and straightened my binder. I heard the door click open, and as my gaze drifted upward to the visitor, I opened my notebook and grabbed my pencil.

"Sorry to interrupt." The principal had stepped into the room. With him were three strikingly beautiful students. "We've got some new students this quarter. Please make them feel welcome." He smiled and then handed Mrs.Cloud a file of papers.

"Very well. Go ahead and find seats." Mrs.Cloud smiled kindly to the three new students. "Class, this is Rosalie Halen, Emmett Cullen, and Edward Cullen."

My eyes followed in order of their stance, ending with the one named Edward- and instantly I was stuck with a flabbergasted feeling.

He's so just asjdfklsjheoaha. Sweet baby Jesus.

"Now I will have you three books in just a moment. As for the rest of the class, please begin your essays of Shakespeare's 'Midsummer's Night Dream' I expect the rough draft by the end of the hour." Mrs.Cloud continued, and the new kids moved forward and took seats across the room.

I placed my pencil slowly on the paper, and watched the bronze haired boy as he took his seat beside me. "Hello." I whispered, flashing a small smile. "My name's Arabella."

"Edward." He whispered back, keeping his eyes to the desk.

What a nice name. Very prince-like.

"Well Edward, would you like to borrow my book? I've already finished the essay." When he shook his head I just sighed lightly and began scribbling the Cinquain poem for extra credit. "Well if you need it... it's here." I mumbled lightly, doubting he could even hear me.

You're just annoying him. Chill out.

After the poem was finished, I had drawn a scene at the bottom depicting Lysander's betrayal to Hermia. When the hour was finally over, I stood, walking over to the three new kids, and smiling. "Hi. I've already introduced myself to Edward, but I just wanted to say hi to you two, my names Arabella, if you guys need anything just ask! I'm happy to help, and I wanted to be the first to officially welcome you to Forks High! You're going to enjoy the next four years in these halls... well I hope." I quickly, and quite literally, bit my tongue to stop myself from the rambling I had already begun down.

Wow I'm so stupid. I thought, they probably already heard all of this and now I'm just that weird girl who said something. Stupid. I sighed and looked at them with a smile.

"Well thank you Arabella." The other boy said with a smile. "I'm Emmett, and this is Rose."

"Oh I love the picture!" Rose said as her eyes found my open notebook.

"Thanks... I'm kinda big into English, so I like to do the extra credit work. Mrs.Cloud always posts what the extra credit requirements are in the corner of the white board." I smiled as I then ripped the page along its perforated edge, saving myself from any annoying paper poop, and dropping it into my hour's homework bin.

"That's awesome." Rose smiled, then grabbed Emmett and Edward's arms. "We've got to get to our next class, but I hope we'll get to talk later!"

"Absolutely!" I felt like duh an idiot, they were welcoming but probably because they had to be. I walked from the room with my hair creating a red tinted veil between my face and the hallway. Slowly I pushed it back and walked to my locker, jiggling the lock aggravatingly until I heard a voice behind me.

"Do you need help with that?" I spun around and saw a girl with a brunette pixie cut and an awkward blonde boy.

"Oh! Uhh yeah thanks." I stepped back awkwardly and told her my combination, with a few quick spins and a sure pull she popped it open. "It must have been caught."

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