Chapter Five

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"Okay... wow... a lot of information to process." I nodded slowly. The sky has grown bright with the midday sun, not a cloud in the sky, and the light that shifted through the blinds played its way across Edward's sharp features, bouncing light off of him in brilliant gleams, reflecting rainbows in my eyes. "I mean the visuals kinda help.... aren't you worried someone's gonna walk in though and see you sparkling all over the place?" I thought for a moment and just as he opened his mouth to respond I shook my head. "Nope nope it's okay, I know you'll be able to hear them coming. Duh Arabella god."

Fucking idiot

"Don't talk down to yourself." Edward chastised me, shaking his head.

"I won't." I sighed, running my hands over the blanket.

Not out loud at least.

"Ara." He looked at me like he knew what I was thinking.


"Stop." He settled in his chair more, not seemingly out of comfort, more out of normalcy and habit.

"I'm not doing anything." I grumbled, crossing my arms and sighing. I wasn't quite enjoying this mind reading, and suddenly all I could remember was all the embarrassing shit I had ever thought around him.

"Okay." He laughed sarcastically and folded his hands in his lap. "Any questions?"

"What were you doing here last night?"

"Wait, that's your only question?" He looked baffled.

"I mean. Yeah. Vampires is really pop culture so like, not freaked out at all." I shrugged and watched Edward go through varying levels of confused disbelief before settling on an emotion I could not read. Suddenly the door sprung open and a nurse smiled at me, and then her eyes landed on Edward who was sparkling like a holo queen. The nurse's face paled as she stared, and I sat up quick as a snap. "Hey!" The nurse tore her eyes away from Edward and looked at me. "You don't see anything. It's just me in here. Go and check the rest of the patients." The words poured out of me, pure conviction in my voice. I always had the power of persuasion over people but never did I think I could do something like this. And then it worked.

The nurse nodded her head, turned around and shut the door, and walked down the hall. "How did you do that?" Edward asked, shock and awe on his face.

"I... I don't know." I whispered, grabbing the end of my hair and twisting nervously. "I mean I've always won arguments but never something like this... maybe she was just really confused and listened to me?"

"Maybe..." Edward didn't seem convinced, but didn't bring it back up either. He also never answered my question, actually he just moved on all together, he stood and looked out the door for a moment, before turning and looking at me. "You're not going to tell anyone about this. Are you?" He asked, walking closer and staring intensely at me.

"Of course. Because I want to end up in the Psychiatric ward with a botched lobotomy and the inability to wipe the dribble from my lip." I said with my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Noted." Edward cleared his throat and looked away from me. I then moved for the first time since I had sat up, and sucked in a hard breath collapsing back onto the pillows. "What?" Edwards was over to me in a flash, looking at me with concern.

"Nothing. I just sat up too fast. And it's caught up to me." I said with a hard exhale as I held my ribs in shaking hands. "Just gotta make it through this week and then after that I get to go home."

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