Chapter Twenty Five

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I felt so stupid for falling into that trap, I crashed back down into my seat, no longer wishing to look him in the eye. "Ara, please." Sam fixed his chair and sat down next to me again. "Distance yourself from them. It can't be safe-"

"Holding company with someone who can kill me?" I looked pointedly at him. "You can't pick and choose who is okay and who isn't based off biases."

"I'm a werewolf, Ara! Werewolves and vampires-"

"Oh please! Yadda yadda, you're not even a true werewolf! According to lore the werewolves can only change during a full moon."

"According to lore, vampires can't eat anything but human blood." He countered back, seeming offended that I called him a fake werewolf.

"No, I'm just saying, aren't there old stories of your tribe being able to shape shift before becoming a wolf?" I finally looked him in the eye, he looked exhausted, bags were beginning to set in under his eyes.

"Those are supposed to be secret?"

"You really think I was going to spend every day of the summer on the res and not learn a few stories on accident?" I looked at him, dumbfounded. "I mean I spent all my time around you and Leah, and then Jake and the twins."

"And you just casually learned tribe secrets." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Some people have surprisingly loose lips around little ears." I clarified, rolling my eyes. "Look. I don't want to talk about this much more tonight, can we just... move on?"

"I get it. I can't say I'm happy about you being with Cullen, but I see that he makes you happy, and that's all that matters really." Sam nodded as he thought it over, picking his burger back up. "I just can't imagine wanting to live forever like that."

"Me neither." That seemed to catch Sam off guard, he stared at me with a mouth full of burger. "Just because I'm seeing him doesn't mean I want to be like him. I'm completely fine being mortal. Do I really need to see history repeat itself a hundred times over? I think it would drive me insane." I laughed and shook my head. "I don't know how any of them do it."

After we finished our burgers and fries we both agreed to get some sleep, I shot a text to Edward that I was going to my room, and Sam and I parted ways. He had a blanket and a pillow for him on the overstuffed couch, and I let him have free reign over the breakfast choice in the morning.

Once I was in my room and had latched my door, I heard the window slide open. Before I was completely turned around, Edward had me in his arms, looking at my face and taking in every inch. "Edward I-"

"Are you okay?" He swept my hand up into his and began to examine my palm. "I could smell the blood outside what ha- Arabella." His tone shifted and he looked at me bewildered. My mind had betrayed me, the moment he mentioned outside the flood of events filled my brain again. He crushed me to his chest and suddenly, unbeknownst to me as to how, I felt the night air hitting my face. For all I knew, there was an Edward shaped hole in my wall.

Oh. I guess we are going on a little field trip.

After a minute or two of flying through the freezing night air, in my less than warm pajamas, in the icicle arms of Edward, light and warmth broke against my body. We were at his house, and I was in a hoodie and shorts. This, unfortunately, was not the plan for tonight. I had every intention of burrito wrapping in my bed, turning on my space heater, and sleeping through another alarm. When Edward finally set me down, it also dawned on me that I wasn't even wearing slippers. When Carlisle appeared in the doorway, he looked confused, but then immediately trained his focus on me. "What happened?" He was over to me in a second, inspecting my hand.

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