A Maid?

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Hello, I just want everyone to know that I had watched The Boy movie a few weeks ago so I thought it would be fun to make a Brahms story. I don't own any pictures I use for the story, I may write a few cuss words and so on. :)

(Greta's POV)..
I have worked for the Heelshire's for about a week now. They decided to stay in the mansion for a week with me to observe my work, I didn't mind.. but the other day I did hear them talking about someone responding to their maid ad? When I heard this I was excited, it would be nice to have someone other than a doll and the Heelshires in the mansion I thought.

(Two hours later)

Mrs H= " Hello dear, I just wanted to inform you about something"

G="Oh yeah of course, would you like some tea?"

Mrs H= "Oh it's okay, I won't be long"

Mrs H= "Someone replied to a maid ad that I had sent out. Their name is Y/n, they'll be coming tomorrow for an interview"

Y/n sounds like a nice person.. would you want me to do anything special for tomorrow?
Well they will becoming at around 2:30 pm so it would be nice if you could make some sandwiches. Mrs Heelshire said with a soft smile
Of course, it will be prepared before they get here. Greta said with a soft smile as well

(Greta's POV)
It was now the day the new maid would come and speak with Mr and Mrs Heelshire, I finished making the sandwiches at 2:20 so it would be nice and fresh.

(Y/n's POV)
In just a few hours I would be at the mansion for my interview.. I'm pretty nervous but I really need the job. I lived in New York when I came across the ad for a maid to work at the Heelshire mansion, I was hesitant to apply for the job since I was in New York and this was in London but I'm desperate for money. I used the money I was saving for vacation to buy a plane ticket and now Im in a taxi heading to the Heelshire mansion. I would be working with a nanny who is take care of the Heelshires 8 year old son, Brahms. After a few hours from the airport to the mansion.. I was finally there, the mansion looked a bit spooky but very pretty, it just needed some work. Once I had my luggage inside I stayed in the hallway in front of the door, it was lovely inside. Around two minutes later a man came threw the door, he seemed pretty young.

M: Oh! Hello there, I'm Malcom the delivery man.. you must be the new maid?

U:Hello Malcom, you're correct I am.. well hopefully the new maid, haha

M:Would you like to help me with the groceries? Maybe get to know each other?

U:Sure, that would be great.

M:So y/n where are you from? Giving that you have an American accent.

U:You got me! I'm from New York.

M:Haha wow New York, hmm how old are you?

U:I'm 24.

(Five minutes later)

(Y/n's POV)

Mrs H:Ah Y/n there you are, I see you have met Malcom.

U:Oh hello Mrs Heelshire, yes I have. Sorry for waiting you.. I was helping Malcom while telling him a bit about me.

Mrs H:It's alright dear but let's go shall we?.

U:Of course, bye Malcom it was nice meeting you.

Me and Mrs Heelshire walked into a room with lots of books and even a record player.. not far away from it was a lady that looked to be around my age and a older man that I'm guessing is Mr Heelshire. "Hello daddy, this is Y/n. Said Mrs Heelshire." Hello Mr Heelshire, I said while shaking his hand. "Hello Y/n it's so nice to meet you. Said Mr Heelshire." (Also in the movie Mr and Mrs Heelshire call each other mummy and daddy) "Y/n this is Greta.. Brahms nanny." Mrs Heelshire said. Hi Greta, it's nice to meet you. I said. Greta seemed nice and caring so I hope she's like that when Mr and Mrs Heelshire aren't around.

(An hour later)

(Y/n's POV)
After an hour of talking to Mr and Mrs Heelshire and eating some sandwiches.. which were pretty good. Mrs Heelshire said that they would love for me to be the maid if I'm up for it. I said yes right away! I now had a well paying job and soon it would only be three people.. or so I thought.

(Brahms POV)
Mummy and daddy were talking about getting a maid, I wanted it to be just me and Greta but Greta was to busy taking care of doll me and to tired at the end of the day to clean after herself and the house. Mummy said the maids name was y/n.. they have a pretty name. The day I saw y/n come through the door I thought they were so beautiful and I knew I wanted to keep them as a maid.

(Y/n's POV)
I soon learned that Brahms was not a normal human boy.. he was a doll. Me and Greta talked about it and both agreed that Mr and Mrs Heelshire must have the doll to cope with the death of their son. I also talked to Greta how I feel like I'm always being watched when I'm in the house and she agreed with me, saying how she thinks the doll is possessed by the ghost of 8 year old Brahms. I don't believe in ghosts or anything but the way things are going.. I'm starting to believe. I have only been working in the mansion for two days, I know about the rules, the doll, and how Brahms died. Even tho it was creepy, I needed the job so I stayed quiet.

Future me here :) I edited the beginning of the story a bit so it's easier to read so if it seems different (if you read it before) then that's why. Anyways byeee 💋

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