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Hello to anyone reading this, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. I had some homework that needed to be finished but I'm not sure how frequently I will be posting.. I don't know how much time I have with a person I love before they pass so excuse me is I miss a day or two.

(Y/n's POV)
Shit.. I thought as I see a guy maybe around 5,11 leaning over the pool table. I knew it was Cole because of how Greta described him.. Why the hell was he here?? What would he want to do to Greta.. or me?!

As I stand there watching the man, I eventually call out to him. Hello?.. I manage to say, the man turns around now facing me.

Cole: Hello y/n..
You: W-Why are you here?..
Cole: Heh I just wanted to talk to Greta, where is she?
You: Em I uh I'll get her

Y/n speed walks out the room then runs to Greta to tell her about the man downstairs.. Greta!.. they say in a loud whisper. Yeah y/n? Greta says, Greta Cole is downstairs.. they say. WHAT?!.. What do you mean Coles downstairs! Greta says in a loud whisper also. I- I don't know but you need to come with me..

(Y/n's POV)
Me and Greta slowly make our way down the stairs and back to where Cole was.. As we enter Coles gaze shoots towards her and then he gets up. Greta's hold on my arm gets tighter caused by the fear she has of him.

Greta: What are you doing here Cole?..
Cole: I just wanted to see you.. I was gonna write you a letter but you know, I've never been one to write.

It was now dinner time so Y/n, Greta, Malcolm, and doll Brahms were now at the dinner table eating. Cole thought it was a joke when he saw doll Brahms but was quickly told it wasn't and that Y/n and Greta were paid to take care of doll Brahms. Malcolm and Cole met, Malcolm knows what Cole had done so he only introduces himself as the delivery man and nothing more. Everyone was quietly eating when Cole starts to speak about where he's working, the only thing Greta can say was she was happy for him... Cole looks at the doll then back at Greta saying..

Cole: I know why you left.. I know it's hard but our plane leaves tomorrow morning he said as he takes out a plane ticket
Cole: Y/n here can take care of the doll so there's no reason for you not to come
Greta:.. Ok I'll pack my bags.. she said as she left

(Y/n's POV)
I was shocked by Greta's answer and I could see that Malcolm was too. Greta wouldn't just leave with him after everything he's done... After eating Malcolm leaves so I give Cole a blanket and pillow, I didn't want him staying here but I didn't know what to do.. I didn't want him to hurt me. I go upstairs with Brahms to ask Greta if she was actually leaving, I go in her room to see her silently crying on the edge of the bed. Greta.. your not gonna go with him right?! No no.. but what choice do I have, he'll drag me out of here. She said. I won't let him! I said. He's strong y/n.. Greta said. Well I'll think of something.. but you get some rest and try not to stress about it, goodnight greta. Goodnight y/n..

I went to my room with Brahms locking the door before silently crying in my bed.. I hold doll Brahms in my arms as I cry. Please help me Brahms.. please help me.. I say as I cry. I kiss Brahms check and eventually fall asleep.

Y/n wakes up hearing Cole screaming for y/n and Greta, y/n looks around then sees Brahms is gone.

(Y/n's POV)
I look around to see that Brahms is gone.. I get out of bed as fast as I can and run downstairs and towards the man screaming for me and Greta. Once I enter Cole grabs me a pulls me to were he was sleeping, he pointed up asking if I wrote on the wall.. I look up to see the words GET OUT in red. Not even 7 seconds later Greta comes running in asking what happened.. Cole shows her and then both of us the bloody rats in his bag. It made me want to vomit but I held it back.. Cole is practically screaming at us on who did it. I start to step back because I was scared of what he would do.. I then noticed doll Brahms sitting in a chair not that far away. I whisper a breathy Brahms before speed walking to him and picking him up. Cole stares at the doll before saying " ok ok you guys didn't do it, the doll did. " he starts to step closer to me telling me to give him the doll. I step away saying No.. Cole is now screaming at me to give him the doll. All I do is step away as Greta try's to calm him down, Malcolm comes in and intervenes telling him to leave. Why is everyone in such a hurry for me to leave huh?.. Cole said. We don't want any problems just get away from y/n and go.. Malcolm says.

As I'm distracted by Malcolm Cole lunges at me snatching the doll. I keep a tight grip on doll Brahms, as Cole try's to get Brahms out of my grip he spins he around then pushes me into a wall. Cole now has the doll as I lay of the ground trying to get up. Cole spins the doll around as Greta and Malcolm tell him to put the doll down. WHATS SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE DOLL HUH?!? Cole said but before I knew it.. he smashes the head of doll Brahms on a chair. I scream cry to all that happened as I get up. The walls start to shake and the lights flicker.. Cole goes up to a mirror.

Cole get away- Malcolm said before getting interrupted by Cole saying Shhhh- I think there's somethi-

Cole goes flying across the room before landing on his back.. Malcolm puts Greta and me behind him. I watch the big hole in the wall carefully... Y/n?.. are you ok pretty y/n?..  I hear a child like voice call as a very tall silhouette starts to appear behind the hole in the wall..

                               B- Brahms?..

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