Bath Time

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Hii lovely's, sorry I haven't been posting much but give me another week and I'll try to post more frequently:) anyways I hope y'all enjoy and I'm open to new ideas so comment if you have any also the story might be coming to a end soon 😅

Y/n's POV:
It's been a few days since Greta tried to kill Brahms, when she was knocked out I cleaned Brahms wound but in the process I woke him up, probably since I put rubbing alcohol on the wound, but since he woke up I hurried him into the walls and told him to stay as I kissed him, he was to much pain to protest anyways.

I left the walls and called the police but Greta already woke up and ran out the door, the police came and searched the area and eventually found her. I watched as they cuffed her and put her in the ambulance as she went mental. It was sad to see Greta like that but I only cared for Brahms in the moment.

Since it has been a few days since all that, I've helped Brahms with stuff till he gets better. I checked up on his wound once when I had to change the bandages but it already looked like it was healing up nicely, Brahms is absolutely loving all the attention he's getting tho.

-Moments Later-

Since that day with Greta Brahms hasn't taken a shower so today he's getting the shower he desperately needs.

U: Hi love, ready to take a bath?

B: *Nods*

U: Okay I'll start the later than let you clean up-

B: Noo.. the cut hurts still

U: ? You want me to help you bathe?


B: Mhm

U: Darling-.. your cut is already healing you should be able to-

B: Pleasee

U: Okay okay you win

With that I leave his room to start the water.
You know sometimes Brahms acts like a little child when he gets a small cut— asking me to kiss it to make it better but than he breaks through walls and attacks people, not caring about the punches, scratches, or bruises he gets. It's kinda cute to see him like this tho.

After I fill the tub with some warm water I go help Brahms get out of bed and help him get to the bathroom, even tho Brahms can act like a big baby when he gets hurt, he's still so protective when I have to leave his side to do outside chores.
After I get Brahms to the bathroom I let him take off his clothes and get in the water while I grab a towel, now I have to shampoo his hair and wash his body since he's "to hurt" to do it.

After a few minutes of me scrubbing his hair I kinda zone out (still helping him) I can't help but think about everything that has happened here in the mansion— I have no regrets of course- I'm happy I stayed with Brahms and created memories with him. I feel bad for the people who didn't deserve to die,.. well only really one, Malcolm, he was a good man. But what happened was in the past and I-


U: Oh- sorry Brahms, what happened?

B: Nothing nothing

U: *light laugh* okay Brahmsy

B: I love you

U: I love you to-



That's all I could say, Brahms had pulled me into the bath with him. At least I was only wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

U: Brahms why would yo-


B: I know you're thinking about something but don't worry about anything.. okay darling?

U: Heh of course love- but was pulling me into the bath really necessary?

B: Yes

-Time Skip-

After the bath I read for about an hour to Brahms than we talked about the book, what we liked about it and so on. After that I started to make dinner since it was gonna take a bit longer to cook, once the food was in the oven I grabbed my phone and called my mom. I missed hearing her voice but I'm not sure if I should tell her about Greta.. my parents know about Brahms "dying" in a house fire and they know about Greta being locked away in a asylum, but should I tell her about what Greta did a few days ago? If I do my mom will be scared and man at me since I didn't tell her sooner.

  -Time Skip-

U: Hi mom, how are you (in call)

M/n: hey sweetie, I'm doing well. It's great to hear from you

U: Yeah I wanted to check up on you and dad, how is dad anyways?

M/n: Oh he's the same. But how are you doing in that mansion

U: Well.. everything has been alright

M/n: Honey.. what happened, I can hear it in your voice

U: Well uh you know Greta?..

M/n: Yes I remember Greta, what happened??

U: She got released from the asylum a few days ago but she came back to the mansion and tried to kill Brahms but the police took her a away

M/n: First how would she try to kill someone that's dead and second.. What the hell y/n!! Why didn't you tell me sooner!?

U: *sigh* I'm sorry mom I'm still trying to process everything

M/n: I would've flown out to help you in any way- oh yeah about that, me, your dad, and some of the family want to visit you

U: Oh.. I'll have to see

M/n: Well maybe one day I'll come over as a surprise- oh I have to go now sweetheart but I'll keep in touch

U: I uh- yeah call you later mom tell everyone I said hi, bye love you

M/n: Byee love you

My mom used to come over to my apartment when I lived in New York with out me knowing, it was always something I didn't enjoy that much. I just hope she's joking about flying out to come visit, anywho time to go find Brahms.

                            -A Week Later-

                             Knock Knock

Huh now who could that be..

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