Be mine

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I'm so sorry it took me this long to make another chapter! I hope you guys like it tho :) sorry if this is cringy but thank you for 2k reads!! Love you all

Y/n's POV:
It's been a week since that whole Sophia problem, here and there I get a nightmare about it and I do feel a bit guilty about letting Brahms kill her. Brahms is doing his best in comforting me tho, but it's nice to know that Brahms is safe since Sophia can't tell anyone about what happened here. Speaking of Brahms, he's been going into his parents room and taking out notebooks and picture albums. I don't really think much of it tho, he might have just found some interesting books and so on.

Brahms POV:
I was surprised y/n let me kill that lady but I guess that shows how much they love me if their willing to let someone die to keep me safe. Since then I've been trying to find the perfect scenery to ask them to my girlfriend. I've wanted y/n to be mine for so long.

In my parents room I found old photos of where daddy took mummy out on dates. They went to a few fancy dinner dates but one caught my eye, it was mummy and daddy on a picnic date by a pretty pond.

                 ^^^something like this^^^

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                 ^^^something like this^^^

Daddy also used to get mummy pretty flowers. Sometimes I pick a flower from the garden and give it to y/n, they always smile, hug, and thank me for the pretty thing. Sometimes I like to go out and help y/n tend to the garden, they always enjoy it and so do I.

I want to get y/n's favorite drinks and food and have a picnic date near the little pond we have near the house. Even tho I don't like outside the house that much, I've grown to like it when it's me and y/n, as long as it's within the gates. When I bring y/n to the picnic, I want to ask them to be my girlfriend.

Y/n's POV:
Today the Heelshires's lawyer would be coming to the mansion so I can sign the papers and so the lawyer and another person could inspect the mansion to make sure it was in the right conditions. Brahms said he would stay in the forest till they left, I mean he could stay in the walls but he wouldn't be able to move much without making noise.

Once the mansion is signed over to my name, and after talking to Brahms, I want to get a router for the mansion and a TV maybe. I also wanted to go to a library to pick out some new books for Brahms. I want the router so I can have internet so that I can use my phone to call my family. I know I can use the house phones but I want to be able to FaceTime my family and friends since I won't be able to see them if I'm gonna stay with Brahms. Unless Brahms agrees for me to go take a plane to New York to see them.

I want to have my family and friends come and visit me in the mansion but I don't know how Brahms would feel about have people he doesn't know come over. I mean I'm young, I want to go out and have fun! I want Brahms to come with me too, I want him to see the world and experience things but is it to late for that? Is he a lost cause? How will he feel about going out into the world with other people being around him?

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