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I'm so sorry y'all, I'm gonna try to post more often. A lot of stuff is coming up so yeah but um I was having second thoughts about posting this but I hope y'all enjoy. TW this may contain some sexual content.

Y/n's POV:
It's been a week since me and Brahms went on a walk together, since then, we have gone on one more walk. I want to go on a walk once or twice a week to hopefully get Brahms to like being outside of the mansion. So far everything has been going good, he says yes to going on walks when I ask but he doesn't really show much interest/emotion when we are out.

Besides going on walks, everything has been pretty quiet and peaceful. I've been enjoying this week. It's nice to have a normal week with Brahms, we've been cooking together, cleaning, reading, and having little dates. Brahms sometimes gives me little gifts, which I adore. I like to get him gifts when I go out to get groceries and clothes, and sometimes I give him handmade gifts which he seems to like.

Brahms has also gotten better with being alone in the mansion while I go out, he trusts me and I trust him. Speaking of going out n' about, I've befriended some locals at the market and library, it's nice to have some friends here since my family lives far, I mean yeah we talk over the phone but I miss their hugs. I want to have them over at the mansion one day but I need Brahms to open up to the world a bit before I invite my whole family over.

                               -Time Skip-

U: Hello love, sleep well?

B: Hi darling.. I slept good, but when I woke up you were gone

U: Heh yea, I wanted to make you your favorite breakfast before you woke up

B: Hmm I missed you

U: Aw darling I missed you too but sit down, you need to eat

B:  *Nods*

As I serve Brahms his food, I can't help but think about how he's gotten comfortable with speaking more. In the beginning he would nod his head, say yes, say no, or just a few words. It's nice to see the progress he's made and it's even better to know that he's comfortable around me, I love him more for that.

U: Also darling, I have to go out today to pick up some stuff at the market so I'll be going at around noon, alright?

B: Do you have to gooo :(

U: Im sorry but yes I have to go get it but I'll be back before you know it.


B: Okayy

                               -Time Skip-

After me and Brahms had breakfast I played his music as I organized the study room a bit while Brahms was in the walls doing whatever he does in there. Once music appreciation was over, I finished up any mess I made while organizing then called Brahms to ask if he still wanted to read. Brahms ended up wanted to read later since he wasn't done doing stuff in the walls, I was a bit shocked by that but decided to go and clean the rooms in the mansion.

After about two or three hours of cleaning, I started to get ready to go out. I mostly just changed my clothes and fixed my hair ( if you have hair ) then started to head downstairs. Since Brahms was in the walls for most of the day I want to prank him, just once.

            Brahms! I'm leaving now, byee

With that I ran to the door, opening it then closed it quickly then I ran into another room and watched. As soon as I ran into the room I could hear a shuffling sound from the walls, after another second I saw Brahms come out from a hidden passage way and run to the front door. After he almost tripped he swung open the door and ran outside, after a minute he came back inside all sad and gloomy.

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