A gift

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(Y/n's POV)
It's been a week since the interview, within this week me and Greta have become friends. She's told me about Cole, her baby, and just talking about life.
I woke up at 6:30 am to get dressed for the day and get the kitchen ready and clean so Greta can cook for Brahms. I just have toast or a bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter, it's simple and easy.. perfect for me.

As I was cleaning the kitchen I heard Greta calling for me so I made my way upstairs and into Brahms room. What happened Greta I said as I noticed toys scattered all over the room.. even a few broken. I was so tired last night that I must have missed a rule Greta said can you clean it up will I make breakfast for Brahms she asked. Oh yeah you go make breakfast And don't worry it'll be cleaned up soon I said as Greta left the room, Greta has been on edge since three days ago when one of her friends said she told Cole where Greta was living and why she was there.


I was nervous to but I doubt he will come, I saw Brahms laying in bed still in his pjs so I picked him up oh so carefully and got him dressed for the day.
Me, Greta, and Malcom have witnessed Brahms moving from the rocking chair to a corner in his room, it was really Greta who showed us after she witnessed it.. so we are all doing what we are told so Brahms doesn't get angry.
After I dress Brahms I give him a quick kiss on his head, hoping he won't be mad a Greta still. I put Brahms on his rocking chair and begin to pick up his toys.. after picking some up I accidentally cut myself on my palm after picking up a sharp broken toy. I yelp in pain as to how fast it was and held my hand.. I pick up any remaining items and make my way to the kitchen with Brahms.

I walked into the kitchen as Greta turns around saying "oh thank you for bringing him, I was just about to get him" she said with a smile.. no problem but I'll be back i said as I showed her my cut across my palm.. ooo that doesn't look good she said haha yeah I'm gonna go to the bathroom because if I'm correct I saw a first aid kit I say as I make my way out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.
As I make my way to the bathroom I smell something like a soil and a... lemony smell? Weird,.. I walked into the bathroom and saw something on the counter of the sink.. a note? I pick up the note and read the slightly messy hand writing..

I'm sorry I made a mess y/n.. i didn't mean for you to get hurt, I would never hurt you.. to make it up go look on the nightstand in your room.  B. H.

When I read the note I could feel my lips curve up into a smile, I looked around and put the note in my pocket. I cleaned my cut and made my way to my room, I walked in and went straight to the nightstand.. and there on the night stand was a beautiful ring with a ruby right on top! Next to it another note saying " A pretty ring for a pretty girl."

I loved it, I always told Greta how rings are my favorite.. the thought of Brahms hearing and decided to give me this was so exciting. I put the ring on and said thank you to Brahms hoping he could hear it, I went downstairs to see Greta in the study room with Brahms so after knowing where they are I went to the kitchen and started to do the dishes.

    Ring Ring~ Ring Ring~

I turned around to get the older phone and picked it up.

You: Hello? This is y/n speaking.

Malcolm: Hi y/n..

You: Are you alright Malcom? You don't sound that well..

Malcolm: Well I'm really sick right now so I won't
be able to make this week's delivery.. but my younger cousin said he would take it for me.

You: Dang Malcolm I hope you feel better soon.. and thank you for letting me know about are new temporarily, I hope, delivery man. We will miss seeing you for this week but get lots of sleep okay??

Malcolm: hehe.. yeah will do and uh tell Greta I said hi

You: Will do lover boy

Malcolm: Hey-

You: Byee get better- *You say as you hang up*

After a few minutes I leave the kitchen and go to clean the rest of the house as Greta plays Brahms music. After I'm done cleaning the floors and other rooms, I start to head to mine..  as I open the door I see another note. Well not exactly a note but Brahms rule list on my bed with rule 8 circled in red..

              ^^^Like this but with rule 8 ^^^                            

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              ^^^Like this but with rule 8 ^^^                            

I'm sorry Brahms but Malcolm is really sick and I don't want to get sick and I know Greta doesn't so you'll have to put up with this small change for now Brahms..

(Brahms POV)
Last night Greta forgot to read my bed time story so I trashed my room so she could see how mad I was when she woke up. When she saw it she started to call for y/n, I forgot y/n would have to clean this up and started to feel bad.. 
I hope y/n wouldn't hear so Greta would have to pick it up but less then a minute later y/n was here looking at the mess, they started to clean as Greta left..

I saw y/n look over at me and pick me up carefully and change me. This made me happy, I wish y/n was my nanny.. I would rather have them as my nanny them Greta. Y/n even gave me a kiss! I wanted to come out and clean up my mess and just be with them but I couldn't.. not yet at least.


I watched her clean my mess but then cut themselves and a sharp toy, they yelped in pain but still went on with clean. They then took doll me and went to the kitchen, I heard them say that they would be back because they were gonna go to the bathroom so I quickly wrote a note and putting it on the counter and leave just seconds before seeing me..

I watched her reaction to the note and seeing the ring.. they looked so happy which made me smile as I admired their beauty. I heard everything on the phone and how Malcolm can't come so someone else will.. they know the rules! Only Malcolm can come.. only him! It's the rules.. so I left a note to y/n showing them the list of rules with one circled so they knows.
I heard them say how they didn't want to get sick, how no body did.. I certainly didn't want y/n sick so I'll try to just ignore it for now..

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