Chapter 17

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Peyton POV:

While Paige is on the plane to Tennessee I have softball practice. So, I'm currently on my way to the softball facility with Kate and Tori.

Once we get to the facility we hang out in the locker room and are making TikToks when suddenly I have a funny TikTok idea.

It's that tiktok where someone bounces a person like a basketball side to side, behind their back, and between their legs.

So I quickly call Kate over to do the TikTok and when we are done I can't help but laugh at it.

I caption the video @ paigebueckers who's the real basketball player 😮‍💨. and upload it.

I think Paige is going to have a good reaction to it which will hopefully get her mind off of the paparazzi situation.

For practice we are inside since it's November and it's getting cold outside, but during practice we have done some fielding drills, I play second base, so most of my plays are ground balls, making a double play, and covering first on a bunt.

After we do a bunch of situation drills we start working on hitting and then after that practice is over.

It was a 2 hour practice so Paige should be in Tennessee now and just as I thought that, I get a text from her.

"Just landed, I'll call you when we get to the hotel. Hopefully there won't be any paparazzi here 🤞"

"Ok, i'm glad you made it safely. I just had practice so I'm gonna go back to my room and shower so if you call and I don't answer that's why, but I promise I'll call you back once i'm out" I respond

Paige POV:

We have made it on the bus and thankfully there weren't anymore paparazzi here, so now I can just relax on the bus till we get to the hotel.

Right now I'm scrolling through TikTok when I see I've been mentioned in a video so I click the video and see it's Peyton bouncing Kate like a basketball and I can't help but laugh.

I comment on the video "I think y'all got it" and continue scrolling through tiktok. I like commenting on tiktoks people make of me or mention me in because I know something as little as me commenting can make their day, and that's all I want for my fans.

I don't want them to think I don't care about them, so I try to reply back to as many comments as I can on my posts or their posts, so they know I care and am thankful of them for showing me support.

Before I know it we are at the hotel and making our way to our rooms. Nika and I are sharing a room so once we make it to the room I throw my stuff on one of the beds and take out my phone to text Peyton I'm at the hotel.

It's currently 7 PM after a day full of traveling and I'm exhausted. But I decide on facetiming Peyton since I haven't talked to her a lot today.

After about the second ring she answers. "Hey, how was the trip" she asks "It was good, I'm tired now tho, traveling really takes a lot out of you" I joke

She starts laughing "Yea, I'm never a fan of traveling all day" "What about you, what did you do today" I ask.

"Nothing much, did some homework, went to softball practice, and have just been relaxing"

"Oh yea I saw your tiktok" I said laughing "You could be a better basketball player than me" I joked

"I know right, I should go pro" she joked back

The conversation went on like this for a while, both of us joking and being sarcastic to one another and just talking in general.

"What are your plans for tomorrow" I ask.

"I'll probably go to the gym and workout for a little bit, hang out with Kate and Tori and then just relax until your game starts at 7 PM, what about you, what time do you have to get ready for everything?"

"We have to get up at 8 because we have a team breakfast at 10, then we have shoot around at 12-" I stop to yawn. "Then have a team lunch, watch film one last time while eating some snacks, and then play at 7" I say tiredly.

"You know if you're tired you can go to bed"

"No, I don't want to because I haven't talked to you all day" I say yawning again

"Really Paige, it's ok, you can sleep, I know you've had a long day"

"Can I at least stay on facetime with you"

"While you sleep?"

"Yea, knowing you're here will help me sleep"

"Yea of course, I'll stay on facetime as long as I can"

I lean my phone against the lamp on the end table so I'm still in frame then get comfortable in bed and close my eyes.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Peyton" I say quietly

"Talk to you tomorrow, good night"

"Can you guys stop being so cute" I hear Nika say from the other side of the room.

"Shut up" I mumble into the pillow as I hear Peyton laugh through the phone.

Shortly after I fall asleep.

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