Chapter 57

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Paige POV:

Peyton and I woke up around 7 because our flight is at 12. We made sure we packed enough clothes and everyone's presents and are now on our way to the airport.

We decided to take a bus the school offers, that drives students to and from the airport because we didn't wanna ask Christyn or Nika to get up super early to drive us.

I can tell Peyton is still tired because she's resting her head on my shoulder during the drive. Some students on the bus are looking at us, and I can't tell if it's because of who we are and our publicity, or because of the video that is all over social media of our interaction with that guy last night in the dining hall.

That video made Peyton and I have to text our managers about what happened because when we woke up and saw it all over social media, we knew they would freak out. But luckily most of the comments are positive and are saying how we stood up for one another, so it wasn't anything bad.

As soon as we get off the bus Peyton and I hold hands that way we don't get split up in the airport, plus we both just like holding each other's hands.

As we walk towards security and our gate some people come up to us and ask for pictures, which I don't mind. There are even some paparazzi here which is confusing me on how they figured out what time we would be here, but luckily there aren't too many.

We continue walking as the paparazzi follow us, but we mind our own business and act like we don't hear the questions they are asking. Such as: "Are you guys spending the holidays together?" "Peyton, what did you text Paige to get her to run into the dining hall so fast in that video last night?" etc.

Both our managers told us we don't have to answer any personal questions we don't want to, which I'm thankful for because everyone doesn't need to know everything about our relationship, I like to keep some things private.

Once we get to security some polite fans say "Have a good holiday you guys" "Have a good rest of your season Paige and Peyton good luck to the start of yours" and "You guys are so cute together" which makes Peyton and I smile and tell them "thank you, and have a good holiday as well" before we go through security.

By now all the paparazzi are gone so we can get through security without having to worry about someone recording us. Peyton walks through the metal detector first and then I follow.

"Do you guys always get paparazzi following you" one of the security guards ask once I walk through the metal detector

"Yea pretty much, or just someone recording us in general" I say chuckling about what my life has come to. I used to be a regular kid in Minnesota who plays basketball, but now whenever I go in public I always get stopped for photos or an autograph, and my name is everywhere in the media.

"That's crazy, my daughter is a huge fan of ours by the way" the security guy says

"oh really? do you want me to sign something for her, for the holidays" I ask

"wait, would you do that?" he asks

"yea for sure, I can take a video for her too, what's her name?"

"Chloe" he says handing me his phone

"Hey Chloe, it's me Paige, your dad told me your a huge fan of mine and I just wanted to say thank you for the support and I hope you have a happy holiday!" I say into the recording

"Oh wow, thank you so much you didn't have to do that" he says as I hand him back his phone and sign a piece of paper for his daughter

"No, it was no problem at all, I hope you have a good rest of your day sir"

"Thank you, you too" he says as Peyton and I hold hands again and head towards our gate.

"That was really sweet what you did back there, for the security guys daughter" Peyton says as we sit down at our gate

"Thanks, I just wanted her to have something to remember even though she wasn't physically here to see me" I tell her

"Well it was very thoughtful of you" Peyton says before giving me a quick kiss.

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