Chapter 44

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Paige POV:

That was weird. When my dad asked about Peyton's parents her whole mood changed. I'll have to ask her about it later. Because thinking back on it, she's never brought up her parents before.

"So what do you wanna do for the rest of the day" my dad asks me

"Yea we can go out to dinner if you want" I say not looking at him but instead looking at Peyton playing with Drew. She's so cute when she gets excited when he scores.

"You guys are cute together" my dad says making me look back at him

"Yea, I'm lucky to have her"

"I haven't seen you this happy in a while, like yea you've been happy before but she makes you go to a whole new level of happiness"

"I don't know what I would do without her dad, she's the best thing that has happened to me this year"

"This little man is hungry after losing" Peyton says walking back over to us while messing up Drew's hair

"Hey I did not lose" Drew says

"Did too" Peyton says crouching down to his level

"Did not"

"Did too"

"I dunked on you, and shot a three, and broke your ankles" Drew says

"You broke my ankles?" Peyton says

"Yea" Drew responds

"They look pretty in tact to me" Peyton says looking down at her ankles which makes me laugh

"Alright how about we go eat dinner before you guys never stop arguing" I say

"Good idea, I'm starving" Peyton says

"Where do you guys wanna eat" my dad says

"We can go to Geno's Grill again" Peyton says looking at me

"Yea that's good, it's close too so we can walk" I say

"Alright, let's go" my dad says.

Peyton POV:

As we are walking to dinner Paige gets stopped to take some photos by a few people so me, her dad, and Drew are all watching her.

Shortly after there are more people who are stopping us to get pictures with her. So I decide to pick up Drew and hold him on my hip that way no one can get too close to him.

"Does this happen all the time" Paige's dad says walking over to me

"Yea, almost every time we go out" I respond looking at Paige taking photos.

A few minutes later she got a picture with everyone who wanted one and we made it to the restaurant and sat down. Paige and I sat next to each other and her dad and Drew sat across from us.

"Peyton I have an extra ticket to the game in a few days next to me and Drew, do you want it?" Paige's dad asks

"Yea, I'd love to have it. Thank you. How much was it" I ask taking my wallet out

"No, you don't have to pay me back" he says

"Are you sure" I ask

"Yea I promise, take it as a gift to get away from the student section for a while" he jokes

"Oh trust me it will be nice to have a game away from them" I say laughing

"The seats are right in the middle looking at the players benches, so we will be able to see this one over here" he says gesturing to Paige

"Um excuse me, I don't sit on the bench" she says with some sass

"Yea you do, before they announce the starting five, during timeouts, to get water" I say looking at her knowing I won the conversation

After dinner Paige's Dad and Drew went back to their hotel and Paige and I went back to her room.

"Hey can I ask you something" Paige says as I sit down on her bed

"Yea what's up" I ask as she sits down too

"Earlier, when my dad asked about your parents I noticed you got upset so I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk about it" she says softly

I look down at my hands and start playing with my fingers before taking a deep breath "My parents are homophobic, so when I told them I was gay they kicked me out leaving me to pay for college on my own" I say

"Wait where did you live when they kicked you out" Paige says holding my hands

"I went to live with Kate and this happened in the spring when we had softball in high school. So we would go to school together, softball together, and go home together. That's why I have such a close relationship with her"

"Oh wow, that was really nice of her parents"

"Yea, I don't know what I would've done without them. They transformed their basement into a bedroom for me so I wouldn't have to sleep on the couch"

"Oh wow, that's crazy, that was super nice of them"

"Yea I know, I'm super grateful for them. And during the softball season I worked really hard in order to get college recruits to look at me. And luckily for me Uconn offered me a scholarship which made me not have to worry about how I was going to pay for college"

"What about your siblings do you still talk to them"

"Yea, since I had a twin sister I would always see her when we were at school and she always made sure I was okay. My brother and I facetimed all the time too since he was at college. And now we all still talk about what's going on in our lives and everything. I'm just grateful I didn't lose them in my life too."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you" Paige says pulling me into a hug which makes me break and I start crying into her shoulder while she rubs my back to comfort me.

"It's okay" she says over and over again kisses the top of my head as she holds me.

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