Chapter 2

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(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading. Let me know what you think so far and any questions or feedback. Thanks.

(Y/n) POV:

Robin: "Artemis."

Artemis: "Robin uhh hey."

Robin: "How random that you're in Gotham City, instead of Star City, where your uncle Green Arrow lives."

Wow Dick can really be well... a dick, at times.

Artemis: "I'm uh, here to see my cousin. She was in the state spelling bee. Here in Gotham City."

I was desperately holding back laughter. Oh I felt so bad for Artemis and I half expected Robin to let her off the hook based on our previous conversation but he clearly had other ideas.

Robin: "C-O-O-L. Did she W-I-N?"

Artemis frowned, she was clearly still on edge and wasn't finding this as funny as I was. Artemis shot me an angry glare as I let out a small laugh before stifling it and forcing myself to put on a straight face.

Artemis: "N-O."

Robin: "D-R-A-G."

(Y/n): "Ok. Let's just go to the Cave."

Robin: "Ladies first."

Artemis: "It's your town, you go."

Robin shrugged and stepped into the phone booth. He disappeared into the blinding light and then Artemis stepped in, avoiding eye contact with me the entire time.

I stepped into the phone booth after Artemis and waited as the computer read aloud my name and then the blinding light overtook me.

I opened my eyes once I arrived in the cave and was pleasantly surprised to see a massive wall of fire crashing down at me. My day was going so good until now.

Robin: "Vanguard, move NOW!"

I barely dodged a firewall that was crashing in my direction. Quickly surveying the main area of the cave I can clearly see that it is in ruins. Smoke is everywhere and I can't see our attackers.

Artemis: "What's going on!? Who are we fighting!?"

I drew my pistol and fired several shots in the direction the fireballs were coming from but it likely did absolutely nothing.

Robin: "No idea!"

(Y/n): "If we stay here we are going to die! We need to move now!"

Robin: "Head to the exit!"

Together we sprinted towards the exit on our right. Making it into the hallway heading for the exit.

As soon as we entered the hallway we were cut off by a massive wave of water crashing down towards us.

Robin: "Or not."

The water swept us away and slammed us into the far wall at the end of the hallway. We quickly collected ourselves and ran into the gym. I turn around to see a fire tornado chasing after us.

(Y/n): "ISAC ready me a seeker."

ISAC: "Confirmed... seeker mine ready for deployment."

As soon as the orange ring lit up on the seeker mine I spun around and threw it into the fiery tornado that was a short distance behind and closing fast.

The following explosion propelled the three of us into the gym and we fell to the floor. The explosion dispersed the tornado of fire and gave us a moment to catch our breath. Hopefully we could come up with a plan before another one showed up.

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