Chapter 27: Depths

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(Y/n) POV:

Zatanna and I got to bed without a problem. When we woke up and went out into the kitchen for breakfast, that was kinda awkward, M'gann and Dick were the only ones who knew we were going to be staying there and they slept in.

Zatanna and I stepped into the kitchen completely exhausted, we barely got any sleep and only had a change of clothes thanks to Zatanna's magic.

Conner: "Zatanna, (Y/n)? What are you two doing here?"

Cassie (Wonder Girl): "Did you two sleep here?"

Jaime (Blue Beetle): "Wait, we only have one extra room."

Cassie: "Did you two sleep together?!"

(Y/n): "We are dating. Don't you guys gossip at all?"

Cassie: "Well I didn't believe Batgirl when she told me."

Conner: "Hey, on a more important note, what are you doing here?"

Zatanna: "Someone's trying to abduct (Y/n), we're staying here until we find him."

Conner: "Who?"

(Y/n): "He goes by the name Clairvoyant. We're operating under the belief that he's a strong telepath. His operatives claim he can see the future and read minds... well they didn't say that but it's what we think they believe."


3rd Person POV:

A transport truck steadily rolls down a highway 70 miles North of Central City. The truck has the words 'Benny's Fresh Produce' painted in colourful letters. The driver wears a hat with the matching logo. His attire matches a stereotypical southern farmer, jean overalls, checkered shirt and work boots. This truck from all outward appearances looks like a normal truck on its way to a farmers market or grocery store.

If one followed the truck long enough they would notice the white pickup truck in front of the 18 wheeler and red suv behind it.

Those two cars both have three Nuclear Emergency Support Team agents in them. They along with the driver of the transport truck are moving portable nuclear weapons to a secure facility for disarmament.

The three vehicles rolled along the empty highway, silence between the three vehicles was occasionally broken by radio check-ins with each other and central command.

Trucker: "This is mother goose, passing viper, we're almost to the exit."

N.E.S.T Agent: "Copy that. No sign of any issues."

After five minutes of driving the lead car exploded causing the transport truck to swerve out of the way.

Trucker: "What the fuck was that! Team 1 is down!"

N.E.S.T Agent: "Holy shit it's an ambush!"


(Y/n) POV:

I volunteered to help with training after Zatanna and M'gann constantly suggested that I do so.

"Staring at a computer screen all day isn't good (Y/n)."

"They could really use the help (Y/n)."

Yeah they could use the help. Nightwing's doing his best at teaching the team hand to hand combat, but almost every single one of them has some super power that they rely on them way too much. They need to learn that having powers only helps in battle, they need to learn how to use them effectively and to fight skillfully.

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