Chapter 16: Auld Acquaintance

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We arrived back at the Cave and exited the hangar. We were making our way to the main area of the Cave, everyone was happy with our victory and chatty with the exception of Kaldur. He seemed to be deep in thought. I think I know what is upsetting him.

Kaldur: "We have reason to be proud of yesterday's victories but one thing has not changed."

(Y/n): "Somehow inside intel about the Team is being leaked to our enemies."

We arrived in the main area where Batman and Red Tornado awaited us.

Wally: "Well, at least we know no one here is the mole."

Batman: "That's correct, the mole was Red Arrow."

(Y/n): "Wait, what?!"

Dick: "Roy?!"

Wally: "No way!"

Kaldur: "Batman that can not be. He was Green Arrow's protege. We have all known him for years."

Red Tornado: "Unfortunately the Roy Harper we have known for the last three years is another Project Cadmus clone."

Batman: "We've learned that the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick. The clone was pre-programmed with a drive to join the Justice League, which is why he was so angry at any delays to his admission and why he refused to join the team. This Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone or a traitor and his subconscious programming drove him to become league worthy. So he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted his secondary programming kicked in and he attempted to betray the league to Vandal Savage. Fortunately, I had already deduced Roy was a clone. We were prepared."

Red Tornado: "Savage was subdued but Red Arrow escaped. He is now a fugitive, armed and dangerous."

Conner: "If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus..."

Dick: "What... What happened to the real Roy?"

Batman: "We don't know. He isn't at Cadmus. We have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper is dead."

An uneasy silence fell over the room, I didn't know Roy that well but I could tell those that did were hurt. Wally and Dick were visibly hurt, I wanted to say something but I really didn't know what to say.

Kaldur: "The clone Roy. The team will find him."

Batman: "Negative. Red Arrow's a member of the Justice League now. Leave him to us."

Batman received a call on his com link and turned to leave the Cave, heading for the zeta tubes.

Batman: "I'm needed on the Watchtower. Tornado, stay with the kids."

As Batman left the Cave something didn't sit right with me about Batman. Dick caught it as well. He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. I turned to Zatanna when I noticed she was holding her head like she has a bad headache. Before I could say anything Kaldur spoke through M'gann's telepathic link.

Kaldur: 'Clone or no clone, Red Arrow was one of us. We will go after him.'

Tornado approached Kaldur with something in his hand. I only caught a quick glance at it but it was enough to warrant a response. Tornado's a robot and if I'm wrong I can apologize and rebuild him later.


I drew my pistol and shot Tornado. The bullet hit his chest right in a small gap in his armour where two of his metal plates met. Tornado staggered backwards and shut down with a static noise as if he was trying to say something.

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